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Spider lilies?

The chamber that supposed to be filled with old scrolls and a statue of the great demon dog, was now only filled with spider lilies and only leaving a small path in the middle. The man followed the path and ended up in the middle of the room. Confused, he's only looking around the area.

Not long after that, red orbs appeared from the spider lilies. They flew around Sesshoumaru before collided into one in front of him, taking a form of the girl. She stood there and lifted up her face, smiled at the man again. "Dad.. It's nice to see you again.. do you want to know the real function of Tenseiga?"

Sesshoumaru lifted one of his eyebrow. So she knew the reason I'm coming here. "Tell me.. what should I do about it?"

"My lady.. Someone wants to see you.." A maid walked into her room. The girl turned her position. She sat back on the couch and signed the maid to let the person in.

A man in a black suit walked in. His long hair were already silver, but his face was somehow young and handsome. His fancy shoes made sounds on the marble floors like a tango. The girl suddenly stood up from her couch, left her notes behind. She ran towards the man and hugged him tightly. "Uncle Totosai!"

"Hello my cute (y/n)! Look at you! You're a beautiful lady now!" The man cupped her cheeks and smiled cheerfully before he wrapped his arms around her. "The last time I saw you, you're only this small, ya know!" He motioned his fingers and placed it in front of his eyes

"I won't be a kid forever~!" She let her tongue out.

"Oh really?? Then, does this little princess has a boyfriend?" The older man smirked. The girl answered with an instant blush that invaded her face. Then she buried her face in the man's chest. "Ah~ So my little (y/n) got a boyfriend now.. This old uncle is so sad.." He put a sad face, yet the girl then answered with a big laugh.

"So, uncle.. why are you here?? Do you have another new type of weapon to offer to my dad??" The girl pulled out from the tight hug.

"Nah.. I'm here to see his little girl instead.." the man winked at her. The girl let out another chuckles and hit his arm softly. "Would you mind a little walk in the garden, princess?" The man offered his arms.

"Okay.. anything for the old uncle.." the girl reached for it and laughed happily. Passed the Baroque style hallway, they made their way to the garden. They keep talking about the past, especially when the girl was still small. The man has been watching her growth, even since she's still in her mother's womb. That's why they were close although they didn't meet so often.

"Your garden is always my favorite place since the first time your father build this castle.." He inhaled the fresh air with a smile.

"Yeah. Me too.. this place help me forget about my annoying parents at least.." She scoffed.

"Hey, Your parents build this whole place for you! Don't be too harsh towards them, (y/n)~" The man rubbed her back.

"Sigh but they forced shits on me! You know, recently they got me a man that I hate to marry me! Thankfully someone came and saved me from all of this mess!" The girl crossed her arms in front of her chest. She started to tell him the full story and how awful that man could be. She didn't aware of where the man was actually leading her. She's just following without any suspicion.

By the time she finished her story, she's already in an unknown part of the forest. "Uh.. Uncle Totosai.. where are we?" She stopped her steps.

The man also followed and he turned his heels towards her. "We're still in the mountain area of your house.. You couldn't recognize this part?" He questioned her back.

"Uh okay.. but where are we actually going?"

"Oh.. I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. I think you'll like him. Besides, both of you share the same rebel spirit." The man ended his statement in a laugh. He continued to walk.

"Oh.. haha.. okay.." the girl laughed awkwardly. She felt something is off about this, but since she has known this man for her whole life, she got no reason to doubt him. Her pace was getting slower. Her senses started to get sharp towards the area around them. She realized that the tall trees would be a great place for any threat to hide, especially with a low intensity of light in the environment.

"(y/n).. Do you know that your family was formed by a great demon dog?" Her orbs widened. She never expected that this man would brought up something about this, and one thing that make it weird was, why now?

"Oh.. yeah.." She replied shortly. The man still locking his gaze at the road. Sweat started to stream down from her temple.

"Oh.. but do you know that your ancestor has a half brother?" Her steps stopped.

He.. has a half brother?? Is it true? He never told me.. "No.. He's not.." At least as far that she knew, he didn't has it.

"You don't know much about him, do you? How about you tell her, inuyasha?" The man turned facing her. His cheerful smile now turned into a grin.

Inuyasha?? Who?? Suddenly the girl felt a slight wind from above. Briefly she lifted her face and saw another man in red ambushed her from above. She dashed backwards just at the right time before the man landed on her.

The man landed on his feet. When he stood up, the girl now could see his appearance clearly. Red kimono, silver hair, long nails and golden orbs. The least 3 things really looks like Sesshoumaru and she couldn't believe it. "Hello.. Sesshoumaru's descendant.." he showed his fangs beneath those grin.


Helloo.. sorry for making you wait.. TwT
I hope you like this chapter..

You know.. I think we're nearly the end.. QwQ
I hope you will bear with me for a little longer ><

Thank you for reading ><

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