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"If you're looking for me, I'm here, darling~.."

The girl gasped yet her brain told her to attack that form with the sickening grin. She swung her tantou, but the man could avoid her easily. Quickly she stood up and dashed backwards. The man jumped from the table that he was previously on and landed on the other corner of the room.

The girl realized that she didn't have much time, then she swiftly moved closer to the bookcase and throw some books at him. While he was distracted by them, she ran to his back and tried to stab him at his midsection, right under his left ribs. Yet, her tantou got kicked and flew a bit far from her.

Realizing how closed she was with him while the tension was real, she jumped as high as she could to the back and when she landed behind a couch, she tried picked the heavy thing and threw it at him for another distraction.

His eyes widened. Her action was unexpected and beyond his thought. No way! A girl with that small body could throw a couch?? He forget to follow her movement while he's lost in his thoughts. In a very brief moment, you already got your tantou back to your hand.

This time, there's a huge opening on him. His mind wasn't back and he was still facing another way. Short after the analysis the girl pushed harder on her foot and gave a huge power for the impact.

Crimson liquids ran through her tantou and fell gracefully to the floor. The liquid surely camouflaged perfectly with the carpet. Her (e/c) orbs were fixed at the things on front of her.

He held her tantou with bare hands, hurting himself, yet his grin went wider when he caught her (e/c) orbs with his greenish lemon ones. He leaned closer until his face was right next to hers. "A double edge knife.. I see.. It's really suits you, darling.." his heavy and warmth breath sent shivers to her spine.

Panicked, she tried to pulled her tantou back, but his power dominated the weapon. "If you really want to meet me, actually you can ask for it NICELY.. But since you had painted me with my own crimson blood.. I really appreciate that.. darling~" he leaned even closer. His lips were just inches from her left ear. Let me teased her a little.. He thought.

After that, he intentionally sticking out his tongue and let the boneless thing danced on her sensitive skin. Anger and fear rose in her heart. She let go of her grip on her tanto to give the man a punch that he deserve but got blocked with his arm.

They continued to punch and block each other's attack while the girl pushed the man. In a fast motion, the man returned the attack after flipping the tantou and it's pointed at her. The girl realized the upcoming attack and dashed backwards just in time, yet the weapon already cut some strands of her (h/c) hair.

The girl scanned the room for any other complementary item that she could use in facing her own tantou. Shit!! He's not keeping any weapon in here??? OH!! The girl got an idea.

Once again, she ran to the bookcase, meanwhile the man walked slowly towards her. "Looking for something, darling?" He chuckled at all the attempts that she did.

"I never thought you would be so flamboyant.." the girl replied his grin with a smile in her mask. Then suddenly, she threw a book at him, but the attack once again, was too easy for him to counter. The second book was thrown at the man and still he counter it easily. The count continues and the distance between them reduced.

NOW!! When the distance was enough, the girl started to throw several books at once. The more time, the quicker she got. Papers were flying around the room and the situation started to get out of his hand. Suddenly, the girl was already in front of the man, close enough for an attack. He automatically attacked her first with her own tantou, yet out of nowhere, something blocked him and the tantou was pierced into it. Realizing that it was a book and it's too late for him to pulled back the weapon, the girl quickly turn the book. Due to the sudden moment, he lost his grip on her tantou and she quickly backed off with her weapon back at her. "Yay~" She teased him while pulled her tantou away from the book. Her mask fell off and she greeted him with her own style of grin.


Where is she? Why can't I found her? Sesshoumaru was running around the room to find his partner. He stopped for a moment and tried to find her smell in the air. The more he sniffed, the more he left clueless. Wait.. How was her smell? He started to confused with his own sense. Does she even got a smell since the beginning? He thought. All of a sudden, his sensitive nose got a familiar smell, and that kind of smell is not normal to be smelled in this kind of place. Perhaps, it was from her?


"When will you stop attacking me.. darling~?" The crimson haired man was already breathing heavily. His sweat were falling to the floor, including the blood from his hand. His crimson hair wasn't tied anymore. Now it looks a lot messier because the girl pulled it without mercy a few minutes ago.

"As soon as you stop moving.." She replied shortly. Her condition wasn't any better than him. Her clothes were teared, especially her crop top. It's already has no shape, so she threw it away. Leaving her with her tank top again. Drops of blood were already painted her (s/c) skin. Maybe the man do it in purpose, to paint her with his favorite color as well.

Time's ticking fast. The girl realized that she should end this fight soon. Knock him out will do the trick but the question is how.  The room were already in mess and there's nothing left for her to use. Suddenly Hyotaro approached her. She put her hands in front of her while holding her tantou. Her (e/c) eyes were locking at him, not only the eyes, but all of him, anticipating any movement that he might do. Yet the next action didn't come from him.

The door suddenly opened and a man were there. She scan the door and the man that were standing there. A black hat and a black suit? She thought. Hyotaro also got his attention captured by the mysterious being. Soon the man turned his body, facing the girl to be exact. By this, the girl's attention was also completely turned to him.

The man took his steps approaching her. He folded his suit's right arm and showed his right hand that got really long and sharp nails. Both of Hyotaro and the girl's orbs were staring at him when he lifted up his handsand swung it. "WIND SCAR!" The swing was follow by sharp lethal winds that even could tear the floor below them at it was pointed directly at her.

The girl didn't have enough time to do anything. All she could do was just shut her eyes tightly. Everything was dark, but she heard the familiar deep voice near her left ear once again. "I got this, darling."


Yup, a chapter that a little bit longer than before~ ><
Yeahh I know, this one got updated faster than usual, because i know what i want to write.. 😂😂
I hope you like it~~
Thank you for reading anyway.. owo

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