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"It's been days and now you told me that she didn't take her food unless it's being forced?" A middle-aged man was sitting on his luxurious chair. He's been doing some documents for the past hours, until a butler came to tell him a news.

"Yes, My Lord."

"Tch! She will only getting worse if I call a doctor for her. You may go. I'll call you later when I know what to do to her." The man commanded the butler to leave him alone, alone with his ancestor. "You heard him, Lord Sesshoumaru.."

Another man with a white turtle neck and a black jeans was standing near the big window, right behind the middle-aged man's chair. He's just staring at the window with thoughts of her. He heard the news. He heard about her condition that was getting worse in each passing days. "She.. didn't want to eat anything?"

"Yeah. Why is she so fragile like this?? A daughter of a great demon dog mustn't act like that!" The middle-aged man continued his curse, while Sesshoumaru was thinking of a solution.

An idea popped up in his mind. He remembered the dessert house where she brought him before. Perhaps the sweet desserts will help her getting better. He didn't took so long just to walk and left the middle-aged man alone in his cursing session.

Arrived at the cafe, Sesshoumaru checked his pants' right pocket before he entered the place. Oh! I still got the card. When he walked in, he's greeted by the waiter. His heart was actually beating so fast every time he needs to encounter the people from this era. Not because of he fear them, but more of the modern machine that he might encounter. His pride was just superb. He's just couldn't let himself got embarrassed in front of humans.

"May I help you, sir?" The waiter broke the silence. He's still stood in front of the door and quickly walked to the counter where the desserts were displayed beautifully. Under the orange lamp, he could see many unknown desserts that somehow more appealing to the eyes than the mouth.

"Uh.. May I see the menu? I forgot the name.." Sesshoumaru only remembered that the food was green and icy. He knew if he explained that to the person, it's only going to make him laugh.

"Oh- I understand. Please wait for a moment." The waiter left Sesshoumaru at the counter. While the waiter was away, Sesshoumaru used his time to analyze another desserts on the display. Most of them were round and bigger in size than the one that they ordered before. He saw the green one and started to think does this one get the same taste as before? His fingers were placed under his chin. He's too serious just to think about the round green tea cheese cake. "Here's your menu, sir."

The waiter was back and he handed him the menu. "Thank you.." he scanned the menu and didn't need a lot just to find the dessert. "Oh! It was a green tea parfait. I would like to have one of that.. and.."

"Okay.. and then?" The waiter followed Sesshoumaru's green orbs to the counter and landed on the cake. "Oh.. do you want this green tea cheese cake as well, sir?" He smiled softly.

"Yeah.. yes, please." Sesshoumaru nodded. The ancient demon got nervous this time. In his previous purchase, when he bought clothes for her, he's not like this, since her dad was also accompanied him. But now, he's all alone.

"I will process you order, for the payment, please go to the cashier." the waiter lead him to the cashier.

"Here's your bill, sir." The cashier showed him the number that he needs to pay. Sesshoumaru didn't really understand the modern currency so he's just gave his card without minding the numbers. "Okay.. now please insert your pin.." the cashier offered the weird device to Sesshoumaru.

Okay.. as far as I remembered.. the number that I need to press is..... Sesshoumaru pressed the number that her father has told him. Now he must wait for the paper to popped out from the machine. Her father already told him, if the paper didn't popped up, then it means he has put the wrong number. His heart were beating so fast. The machine took a longer time just to process his payment. If the number that he put was wrong, then he would put shame on himself for couldn't pay the desserts.

A sound from the machine was heard and it brought him back to reality. His heart was almost stop but thankfully, his payment was success. "Here's your card.. and your purchases. Thank you and please come again" the cashier handed him the pastel colored paper bag and his card with several sheets of invoice.

He took the bag and quickly turned his heels. The waiters were just staring at his nervous figure as he walked out from the door. "That person was the one that came with the high school girl right?" The waiter asked the cashier.

"Yeah.. he looked so nervous without his little girlfriend.. how cute~" both of them giggled. "I hope they will come back here again. They're such a cute couple.."

Sesshoumaru's now looking at the paper bag in his hand. He's been thinking of a good way to bring the dessert back home for a few minutes now. If he's dashing like the way he came there, the cake won't be in one piece anymore when he arrived. However, if he walked, the cheese cake would melt on his way.

While standing at the sidewalk, the wind blew passing him. He looked up to the sky and mumbled, "It's almost autumn.." The wind was cold. It's already the time of the year where the leafs turn yellow and orange. He tried to recall that season in his past life, only to attract another vision from the past.

"Daddy!" Suddenly a little girl came and hugged Sesshoumaru's right leg. The man was surprised but he's just looking down at the small figure while holding the cake. The little girl got a silver long hair that got braided in a waterfall style. She's also wearing a lilac yukata with pattern of morning glories on it.

She hugged his leg so tight, as if she won't let him go forever. "Who.. are you?" He asked. The girl only replied with a smile while she lifted up her face. Sesshoumaru recognized the purple crescent moon on her forehead, she looked exactly like him. However, instead of golden, her orbs got the color of his little helper's.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" A tap on his left shoulder pulled him back to reality. Now in front of him, Kirisagi stood in confusion. "The master asked me to follow you. I guess you'll need a ride." Kirisagi pointed at the car that he parked behind him.

"Oh." Sesshoumaru followed Kirisagi to the car, but his sight were still fixed on the place where the girl stood. Could that girl be.. my daughter with her?


Thanks for reading~~

hope you like this chapter too ><

Now we're proceeding to the next phase awyisss *w*)9

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