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A terror. That's what the girl felt when Hyotaro lost his sickening grin. She stopped her argument right after his statement. Hyotaro turned his heels and left her in the room. She didn't know what to do, so she's just going to do her morning routine.

After she finished her shower, she walked out from the bathroom with only her towel just to be greeted by several maids. The maids were ready with a short dress that got a (f/c) pastel color on it. The dress was sleeveless and it got a bow on the back. Summer dress? The girl was questioning the choice of her dress but she had no objection against it.

While she's being dressed by a maid, the other maid was doing her hair and another maid with her make up. She's wondering what will she do with that fancy looking. The maid made 2 braids on her (h/c) hair. She also let a little bit of messy hair fell on her forehead cutely. After finished with the make over and the maids already left, she stayed in her room. I'm not planning to do anything in here, so if he wants me to do something, he must be the one that come to me! The girl scoffed.

Then the girl moved from the couch to her bed. She took Sesshoumaru's fluffy things and opened her window. She leaned to the panel and looked outside. From her window, people might think that she's imagining something beautiful like in a drama, but actually she estimated that she could make a jump out from it. Just two stories building, okay, I can make a jump but.. She realized that although the building is not high, the problem is her room was on a cliff and any jump that she make would ended up a long fall down to the sea.

Not a good idea.. I need to check that part of sea first.. Maybe if I ask that asshole Kiyonobu to walk by the seashore with me..? Hmm.. it will be very suspicious if I suddenly become cooperate with him.. She thought of another possibilities but so far, that's the only possible thing to do. Then I should build his trust.. great.. faking all over again.

The girl is used to faking her action in front of the media. All that the public know is that she's a good girl from a very important family. No one know how rebellious she could be.

Her door got knocked and she got her attention swifted to it. "Come in.." she said and a maid walked into the room. She bowed before she tell the girl her intention.

"Lord Hyotaro asked you to go to the green house in the east wing. He's already waiting for you with the private tutor." The maid then bowed down again and left the room.

"Sigh.. at least tell me the direction please.." the girl grumbled. Then she took the fluffy thing with her and wrapped it on her like a scarf. "Why does people in this house really love to left me blind like this.. argh.." she groaned as she opened her door. "Sigh.. left or night? HOW THE FUCK DO I EVEN KNOW??" She stumped on the floor even harder while pulling her braids desperately. "I'm gonna go right! And don't ever blame me if I'm late!"

She walked down the hall and made a random turn everytime she met one. She also tried to open any door that was in the end of the hall. Most of the doors were locked, and the only door that opened for her was the kitchen. The maids were surprised and stopped working when they saw her stood by the door. 'What is she doing here?' Was clearly seen on all of their faces.

"Ugh! Don't look at me like that!" She shouted. The maids then continued their work as if nothing happened. "Shit.. can someone please show me the way to the glasshouse??" As soon after she said that, one of the servant came forward.

"Let me be at your service, My Lady." He bowed and started to walk. The girl followed him without any further question. Still, she cursed under her breath along the way. How could they let me wondering alone like that?? I mean, where's their common sense as a servant?? The girl didn't know that the servants were actually scared of making contacts with her unless being ordered by their masters. They knew who she is and they know the consequences if they failed her.

The servant opened the door and they ended up in the garden of the mansion. On the right side of the garden, the girl could see the sea. Meanwhile on the left side, there're thousands of red roses that was arranged like a labyrinth. The labyrinth's height was just about the girl's waist. I can see the taste of Mr. Kiyonobu. She thought. They were walking at the outer part of the labyrinth and it was just a straight way to the glass house.

The servant knocked the door before he said "Excuse me, My Lord. Young Lady is here." She could hear Hyotaro's voice from the inside, but she couldn't hear it clearly. After that the servant opened the door and signed her to go in. When the girl walked in, the servant then closed the doow behind her.

The glasshouse was not as big as hers, but it's pretty spacious. The girl followed the footpath to the middle of the glasshouse. In the middle, she could see a round fountain and next to it, there's a table and 2 chairs. On the table, there's a set of afternoon tea, including the snacks in a decorated golden birdcage.

Her eyes caught the figures that were already waiting for her. The one that was sitting on the chair was obviously Hyotaro, but the one that was standing.. he looks familiar with that purple hair..

"Ah! Finally! After centuries of waiting, my sleeping beauty finally came. " the girl only replied Hyotaro's statement with a glare. Ew.. He's exagerrating so much. Not my type.  She thought.

"I know you might like this little surprise, but here it is!" Hyotaro then pulled the other man and made him facing the girl. "I took your private tutor from home~ you can feel more homey in this mansion now~"

"My Lady." The purple haired man bowed before the girl.

"Mr.. Yoshihide?"


Thank you for reading this part. ><

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