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"Okay, this is all the lesson for today. Don't forget to do your homework for tomorrow." The teavher walked out from the room, leaving the students chattered in chaos before each of them left the classroom. The girl also prepared to go home but with a slower pace than the others.

A few weeks has passed since the last time the girl woke up with Sesshoumaru's fluffy fur wrapped around her body, but since that time, Sesshoumaru didn't go back to her house.

Sadness consumed her mind and soul. She's getting weaker each day and it made her family questioned her appetite. She even didn't bring any lunch for the past weeks although the maids were already prepared it for her.

All of a sudden, the chaos from the other students from outside the classroom snapped her back. She quickly put all of her stuff into her bag and walked towards the door to find out the source of the sounds.

Too bad that all that she could see was just the students' head. Maybe it was an ordinary student that get famous for nothing.. She thought. The girl decided to took another way around to the main door and avoid the crowds.

"Omg who is he?" "Isn't he the one in the government??" "Which one??" "Omg handsome parliamentary member!!" Those words were spoken by the students that walked passed the girl. Her sense were numb, she didn't hear to any of those words.

"Ah! My darling!" A man shouted from behind her back. "Darling?" "Who?" "Is he here for someone?" The crowds were chattering. The man approached the girl that didn't respond to his call and grabbed her left arm.

The girl jolted. She turned and flew a punch with her right hand in reflex at him. Luckily he caught her hand right before it touched her face. "Easy now, darling.. it's me.." the man put down both of her hands.

"Mr. Kiyonobu.." the girl glared at him when she realized who he was. "What the fuck do you want?"

"He's here for her?" "Oh politics.." "i can see where it goes from here." "Never thought that they know each other.." "of course they do, you stupid! They're yakuza.." the girl let them have their on thoughts as long as they didn't lay a finger on her problem.

"Easy easy~ I'm here to give you a ride back home~" he put his right hand on his chin and grinned happily at her disgusted reaction.

"Fuck off! I can do it alone!" The girl turned away from him. Behind her back, Hyotaro twitched his eyebrow and cursed in his breath, then he took a quick step and picked her up like a bride. "H-HEY!! PUT ME DOWN!"

"I ain't listen to you, princess.." At first the girl tried to let go of his grip but he's just strengthen his grip. He continued his steps while ignoring both the girl and the crowds that were staring at them. He didn't say any words to her until they managed to walked out from the school area.

Outside the school, Kirisagi was already waiting for them with his car. Hyotaro get into the car while still holding on the teenager then he put her on his lap. "NOW LET ME G-" her scream got cutted when he suddenly wrapped his hands around her tightly.

Her (e/c) eyes widened and quickly she pushed him as hard as she could. "NNGHH LET ME GO!!" Unexpectedly he let go of her soon.  Quickly she took a distance from him. Still watching at his figure, she leaned to the door behind her.

"Can you please chill for a little bit?" suddenly Hyotaro's expression turned serious, not like his usual self. Confusion showed in her orbs, signed him to explain more. "You should learn to obey my words, since I'm about to be your husband soon."

"That's not gonna happen!" She replied as soon as he finished his words.

"Then what do you think I'm doing now? Picking up a random girl and decided to bring her to my house without ANY REASON?" The girl felt more puzzled with his answer.

"No.. OH SHIT!" The girl quickly tried to opened the door. She even tried to break the window with her elbow and flew a few kicks.

"You surely realized that this is your family's car, right? Which means this car supposed to be stronger than any ordinary car.." Hyotaro rolled his orbs. He's just watching at the girl's panic state that oddly amusing for him.

"Mr. Kirisagi!! Let me go!" Now the girl tried to ask for help from the driver. She knew that she didn't have that kind of bond with him but at least she tried.

"I'm sorry, my lady. This is your parents' order." The driver answered without batting an eye at her.

"Oh not you too! Ugh FUCK all of you!" The girl murmured every possible curse words that she knew in her breath.

"Your words are pretty rude for a young lady, I see.." The man grinned at her helpless figure.

"None of your business, I presume." She replied with another sharp words of her. She crossed her arms on her chest and stayed watchful.

"Soon.. to be exact.." His grin became wider as he saw her disgusted expression that followed by her blood running down from her face.

What should I do to get out of here?? Think fast, (y/n)!! The girl must find a chance to get out from the car. She pretty much knew that it won't be possible once she reached their destination that still unknown for her. She tried to find anything that could help her, she even scanned her clothes and the area around her to be an efficient weapon.

Suddenly her eyes caught a luxurious container behind the driver's seat. Thankfully, in her family car, she remembered that her dad used to keep some bottles of wine and whiskey in their car. Quickly she turned her gaze from the bottles before the man caught her plan.

Maybe if I use Mr. Kiyonobu as a captive, they will let me go! The girl's waiting for the right timing to strike. Hyotaro in the other hand, were already lowering his defense. He's sitting while staring at the road on his left, leaving the girl in her own imagination. This may be look like a chance but his position was too far. She will need more time to get to him. Wait for more minutes!

"You know.. if you're less active like your current state, you would've win my heart.." Hyotaro let out a sigh.

"Your heart would be a worthless award for me." Meanwhile the teenager just spit her answer blatantly.

"Now that's another way to win my heart too-.." as Hyotaro swifted his body facing her direction, she took the movement and quickly took his chance to attack. She took one of the bottle on the neck, smash it on something hard in the car. The liquids and some shards of the bottle fell on the car's floor, giving the girl some sharp edges on the rest of the bottle in her hand.

She spinned the bottle so the sharp side were facing her target and in an unbelievable speed, she landed her attack on him. Suddenly the teenager felt a cold and stinging touch on her neck. It made her freeze right on that moment. Her attack hasn't reach her target when she freezed her movement.

"Threatening your future husband is not gonna make things any easier for you, darling.." His grin reflected on the sharp knife that almost slit her throat.


I'm in a bus on my way home now..
I think this part got the slowest progress in this series so far..  😂😂
I hope you forgive me ahahaha
Anywayy..  thanks for reading this part too ><

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