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Sesshoumaru finally arrived at the mansion. He gave the cheese cake and parfaits to the maids, since Kirisagi suggested him to prevent it from melting. "The cake and parfait are still in a good condition to serve. I will cut the cake and then serve it to the young lady." The maid said as she took it. The maid made her way to the kitchen, leaving both men in the foyer.

"You know.. that's the right choice.. to being desserts for her.. She used to love that store so much.." The man in black suit turned his heels.

"Oh she does?" Sesshoumaru replied.

"Yeah. She would sneaked away after school just to study there.. That's why I got the feeling that you're probably going there for her sake."

"You seemed to know her a lot."

"I've been working in this family for 8 years. Noticing her behavior wouldn't be a problem since I'm her driver. Now, please excuse me." Kirisagi smiled at his master's ancestor before he bow and leave the man alone.

There're so many things I didn't know about her.. Sesshoumaru made his way to her room from the foyer. He's been staying in this mansion for days. Not like before, when she's still hiding his presence, now he could walk anywhere freely. He often found staring at the paintings in the hallway or library, especially when it was her portrait. From when she's small, until when she turned into a lady like now. Every moment of her was captured perfectly in the painting.

His steps finally stopped in front of the big wooden door. He had gave her the time that she needs but he didn't expect that her condition would only get worse like this. His hands then reached the doorknobs and opened it. His eyes widened with the view before him.

The room was dark. The only light source came from the door that he opened. The light only reached a few meters of the room but it already explained the mess that he about to counter inside. "(Y/n)...?" He tried to call for her name once. The only thing that greets him was just a sound of breathing. She's here.

He took several steps inside the room. Trying to find his little helper in the darkness, he found a pair of glowing red eyes in the corner of the room instead. A soft growl were also heard as he took another steps.

A gasp suddenly heard from his back. "Lady (y/n)?!" it was the maid that came to bring the parfait and cheesecake. "I-I'm gonna call for the others!" The maid quickly turned her heels and walked away with the tray on her hands. Call for the others? Why? Sesshoumaru's eyebrows furrowed. It didn't feel right.

He just turned his eyes from her for a second but the girl suddenly dashed and attacked him with a fork. The man quickly secured her hands and locked it so she couldn't move. "AARGH!" The girl roared by the pain on her arms. The fork that she held fell, echoed when it hit the marble floor.

"(y/n)... please calm down.. it's me.." He held her arms behind her back with a little bit of his power, but it's enough to pinned her in place for now. She kept struggling and crying in pain and it's only makes him felt more guilt inside his chest. "(Y/n).." at first he held her with both of his hands, but then he changedit with only his left hand. He freed his right hand and used it to cover her glowing orbs. "Shh.. shh.. I'm here.."

The girl could felt the warm touch on her face. She noticed the touch that was familiar and gradually reached tranquility. Her mind was playing its dirty tricks on her. It kept telling her about how dirty she was. "I'm.. dir.. ty.." she muttered.

Sesshoumaru could felt a warm stream in his right palm. As she's shaking in her breath, he guessed, tears? With his hand on her forehead, he pulled her closer.  Patting her gently, he let go of her hands that now hanging low. His left hand moved to her waist and embraced her from behind. He could felt her bones that only covered by skin now. Her feet lost it's strength to support her own weight. He ended up supporting her balance with his hands. 

The man gritted his teeth. Sadness and regret merged into one. It doesn't make things any better. "I'm.. sorry.." He couldn't stop blaming himself. They stayed in that position for quite a while, at least until the previous maid came with backups.

"My Lord.. I've come with the others.. now we can-"

"Leave us alone!" Sesshoumaru cut the maid's words. His tone was intimidating. The maids lost their courage to reply him. They followed his order and closed the door, giving them some privacy.

"(Y/n).. " He called her name once more. "Let's eat, okay? I have bought your favorite green tea parfait." He begged the girl that's standing weakly in his arms.

"I'm.. dirty.." she muttered the same thing. "I... hate my.. self.."

Sesshoumaru turned the girl facing him. He cupped her cheeks and locked his gaze on hers. "Does my touch also makes you feel dirty?" His eyes looked painful.

"Lord.. Sesshoumaru.. no.. not dirty.." her tears were still flowing. However, hearing her answer made him happy. "I-.. I love.. Lord Sesshoumaru.. but now.. I'm so dirty.. I don't deserve to stay with you.. any longer.. that's why.. you left, that day.. right?"

"No! (Y/n), you.. you're the same as ever. Whatever he did to you, it won't effect how I see you!" His grip on her cheeks were loosened.  He moved his hand to behind her head, and he pulled her softly. He also draws nearer and placed his forehead on hers. "It won't change the fact.. that you're precious to me.."

Her (e/c) optics shone bright. Her sclera were no longer red, instead, the tint moved to her face. "I-I.. no.. Lord Sesshoumaru.."

"Shhh.." He hushed soothly. "May I kiss you?" He asked. The girl was in doubt. Fear emerged from her orbs once more, but she hesitantly nodded.

After receiving her answer, he placed his lips on hers. He tried to be as gentle as he could. She's fragile. He knew that another wrong touch would break her apart in no time. However, since words didn't do much on her, he got the urge to show her how precious she is for him, and one of it through a kiss. A kind of kiss that wasn't forced or full of lust. Just a kiss that would transfer the feeling of one another.


Aayyyyy I felt a huge cringe on this chapter..
But thank you for everyone that has read it.. TwT
I hope you like it.. ><

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