The Miser

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'''💰THE MISER:💰'''

Zakiya and Azraa were in their bedroom, putting away their weeks savings into their money boxes. Zakiya had quite a few coins to put away but Azraa however had hardly anything. She almost always spent her whole weeks allowance on sweets, snacks and cooldrinks.

As Azraa gazed at the amount of money Zakiya had saved, she felt very jealous. So she blurted out spitefully, *“You are such a miser, Zakiya! You always hoard your money and don’t spend it!”*
Zakiya felt so bad upon hearing Azraa’s words that she started tearing. Just then their mother entered the room and wanted to know why Zakiya was in tears.

“She called me a miser,” said Zakiya sadly.
“Azraa,” their mother chided, “how could you say that to your sister?”
“But it’s true,” replied Azraa. “She always hoards her money and doesn’t spend it all.”

Their mother then said to Azraa, *“Don’t you know a miser is a very greedy person who hoards money, not even spending it when there is a need to do so. Zakiya doesn’t do that. She spends her money moderately, gives charity and still manages to save some money every week. You should also learn to be moderate in your spending Azraa, if you wish to save. Now go apologise to your sister for being so nasty!”*

*Azraa realised that their mother was right and quickly apologised to Zakiya. Her sister smiled warmly and accepted her apology. Their mother then asked them, “Do you know who  is the worst miser?”*

*“Who?” asked the children.*
*“The worst miser is the one who hears our Nabi Muhammed (saw)’s name mentioned and does not send any blessings on him.”*
*“How do we send blessings on Nabi (s.a.w)?” asked Azraa.*

*Their mother replied, “We do so by reciting durood, upon hearing Nabi Muhammed (s.a.w)’s name. Do you both know what’s the shortest form of durood one can send?”*

*“What is it? Teach us please!” said Zakiya.”We simply recite ‘Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,” said their mother.*

*“And do you both know the reward for reciting one durood?” she asked them.*
*“What’s the reward?”  both wanted to know. Their mother replied, “One receives 10 blessings, 10 sins are forgiven and one’s rank is raised by 10 stages.”*

The children were so amazed to learn how much reward there was for reciting just one durood. They decided to always recite abundant durood in future. It was so easy to recite durood, yet earned so much of reward.


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