The King an his slave

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Ā story about a king who saw a slave that he liked and invited him to the kingdom.

The slave accepted and began serving for him. The king showered him with many gifts and gave him light tasks and easy work.
One day, the king said to him that I want you to become my closest slave and my right-hand man.
The slave remained silent.

A few days later when the king was in a pleasant and jolly mood,the slave approached him. He asked that if you were away and I was sitting with your slave women enjoying myself and you were to walk in on us, how would you respond...? In those days, it was common for kings to have close female slaves. The king was shocked. He considered the question disrespectful and became angry. He wanted to punish him. The slave said that I didn’t do anything wrong, why are you so upset..?
I was just asking and now you want to punish me..?

Everyday I break the commands of Âllāh. But not once did He take my sustenance away, and not once did He cut my supply of oxygen. Not once did He become angry like you. And you want me to be your close slave...? Why would I want to do that..?
I would rather become Allāh’s close slave! If I make an error or a mistake, He will always forgive me and give me a second chance. Whereas you have become angry over a mere question.

We are all slaves of Allāh. However, some of us voluntarily become enslaved to other people or items or money.
Shaykh Maseehullah Khan (RA) would say that I am a slave already, why would I become enslaved to another slave...?
There is no sense in this. Those who become enslaved to anything but Âllāh will be tested in it and will struggle due to it.
Only those who surrender to Âllah alone, taste true contentment in this world and the hereafter.
May ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل make us from amongst them.
آمـــــين يَارَب

— Shaykh Dawood Seedat حفظه

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