Long but worth it

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Assalaamu alaikum warhamatullahi wabarakatuh

To my dearest readers,

How r u all?

Today,i will post a story that's a bit long but has a really deep meaning and a great lesson/moral for us all...

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May Allah make us all benefit from what we will read ...Aameen....

Before reading,a humble request to you all, could u all plz read Surah Ikhlaas 3 times and send it to all the maarhoomeen❤️🌺💜as it will really benefit them...


Maalik bin Dinaar (رحمة الله عليه ) narrates the following incident:

On one occasion, I was performing tawaaf around the blessed Ka’bah. During the tawaaf, I was surprised with the large multitudes of people who had arrived to perform Hajj and ‘Umrah. However, (as I observed these people,) I began to think, “If only I had knowledge of which person is accepted by Allah Ta‘ala, so that I may congratulate him, and which person is rejected by Allah Ta‘ala, so that I may sympathize with him!”

That night, when I went to sleep, I had a dream in which someone said to me, “O Maalik bin Dinaar! You are pondering over those performing Hajj and ‘Umrah! I take an oath, by Allah, that Allah Ta‘ala has forgiven all the people, whether young or old, male or female, black or white, Arab or non-Arab – with the exception of one man. Allah Ta‘ala is greatly displeased with him and has rejected his hajj, striking his face with it.” 

After hearing this, Allah Ta‘ala alone knows how I managed to sleep for the remainder of the night, as I feared that I should not be that rejected person.
The following night, when I went to sleep, I had the exact same dream, except that this time, I was told, “You are not that person (who is rejected by Allah Ta‘ala). Rather, he is a man from the region of Khuraasaan, from a city named Balkh. His name is Muhammad bin Haaroon. Allah Ta‘ala is greatly displeased with him. Allah Ta‘ala has rejected his hajj and has struck his face with it.”  

The following morning, I went to the various tribes of Khuraasaan, who were gathered in Makkah Mukarramah (for hajj), and greeted them with salaam. I then asked them, “Are there any people among you from the city of Balkh?” When they affirmed that there were people from Balkh among them, I asked, “Is there a man among you named Muhammad bin Haaroon?” They enthusiastically replied, “How excellent! O Maalik, you are enquiring about a man who is such that nobody in Khuraasaan can surpass him in worship and disinterest in the world!”
I was astonished at the manner in which they extolled his virtue, considering the dream which I had seen. Nevertheless, I said to them, “Please direct me towards him.” They responded, “For the last forty years, he fasts during the day and spends the night engaged in performing salaah. He only takes ruined, dilapidated buildings as his residence. You will find him among the ruined homes of Makkah Mukarramah.”

I thus went towards the ruined buildings of Makkah Mukarramah where I began to roam about, until I located him, standing behind a wall. His right hand was amputated, and his collar bones were pierced, with chains linking through them, extending to shackles around his ankles. When I saw him, he was engaged in salaah, performing ruku and sajdah, but when he heard the sound of my footsteps behind him, he concluded his salaah.
He then asked me, “Who are you, and where are you from?” I replied, “I am Maalik bin Dinaar from Basrah.” Hearing my name, he asked, “Are you the same Maalik whose knowledge of Deen and asceticism is spoken of by the people of Iraq?” I replied, “The One who is truly knowledgeable is Allah Ta‘ala. The true ascetic is ‘Umar bin ‘Abdil ‘Azeez (rahimahullah), as the wealth of the world was within his grasp, yet he turned away from it (and abandoned it). As far as I am concerned, it is poverty that has forced me to detach myself from the world.”

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