50 Euros?

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A couple invited an Imam of their Masjid for dinner in their home.
After the Imam left, the woman said to her husband; " I think the Imam has stolen the *50 EUROS* that I kept on the table of which I had the intention to give him".
*Angrily her husband exclaimed;* " if they are not pedophile, they are thieves. There is no need to invite him again. We shall from today not pray at his masjid again. ".
      Two months later, the woman met the Imam in the street and was courageous enough to face him and said: " Good morning Imam, you have surely realised that we no longer pray at your masjid .
This is because we're very angry with you. The day you ate in our house, there was a *50 EUROS* note on the table. It disappeared while we were eating. You were the only person who visited our house at that time".
The Imam said to her, *"yes, I took the money. I put it in the Qur'ān to avoid spilling the sauce on it".*
The woman got so confused and asked the Imam to forgive her.
   Back in her house, she took up the QUR'ĀN and found the *50 EUROS* note which had been there for two months.
  For two months, she had not opened her Quran to reflect on the word of *ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل*
   For two months she had her husband falsely accused the Imam,
For two months, the incident had tortured them.
    If you are reading this story now, and you are not at peace with yourself, for any reason whatsoever, ask yourself whether it's because you have not opened your QUR'ĀN for a long time. Do you even have one?

_My dear sisters and brothers in Islam :_

Islam has two primary sources, the QUR'ĀN, and the authentic Traditions of *Muhammad ( ﷺ )* that explain and sometimes expand on that of the QUR'ĀN. 

“And We have not sent down the Book *(the QUR'ĀN)* to you *(O Muhammad ﷺ ,* except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in which they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a folk who believe.” *(QUR'ĀN 16:64)*

The QUR'ĀN was delivered to  *Muhammad ﷺ* by the Angel *Jibraeel (Å.S)* and revealed in stages over a period of 23 years.

“And *(it is)* a QUR'ĀN which We have divided into parts, in order that you might recite it to men at intervals.  And We have revealed it by stages.” *(QUR'ĀN 17:106)*

*Ŕāsűlûllâh صََلَِّﷺوََسََـــلَِّـم* was commanded by God to convey the Quran to all of humankind and the responsibility weighed heavily upon him.  Even in his farewell address he called on the people present to bear witness that he had delivered the message.

Almighty *ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل* says : 
'And remind for indeed Reminder benefits the believers' *(Qur'aan 51:55)*

_My dear sisters and brothers in Islam :_

*"You must value those who advice you and call you towards goodness, they are the ones pushing you towards Jannah."*

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