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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ

The Horseman Aиϑ The Thousand Gold Coins.

An explanation of Divine workings behind actions.

A Nabi of Allah (Alayhis Salam) was once sitting worshipping Allah in the cavern of a mountain. Nearby, a stream flowed. Once, a person riding a horse came to this stream. He removed his money-belt & placed it on the floor before drinking water. He then went away, forgetting the belt in which was a thousand dinars (gold coins).

After a short while, another person came & took this belt away. Then a poor man came, carrying a bundle of wood on his back. He removed this bundle from his back & m sat down to drink & rest.

The horseman, in the meantime, returned very agitated, looking for his money belt. He caught hold of the poor man & started beating him, asking for his bag. When the poor man denied any knowledge of the bag, he brandished his sword & killed him.

The Nabi (Alayhis Salam), having witnessed this whole incident, remarked,
“O Allah! This incident was most amazing. This poor man did not take the bag but was killed for it, & the other oppressor who stole the bag was not taken to task.”

Almighty Allah revealed to him: “Remain engaged in worship. Knowing the mysteries behind Divine Workings is not your work. The reality of this matter is that this poor person had killed the father of the horseman. I thus allowed retribution to take place by the son of the murdered person.
The horseman’s father had once stolen one thousand gold coins from the person who took the bag. I thus returned it, from his estate.”

In summary, whoever believes in these wisdoms & deeper secrets will not be in the least bit surprised at the actions of Almighty Allah. In fact, he will be surprised at his own ignorance & foolishness. He will not question Divine Decisions by using words like ‘why’ & ‘how’. He will be pleased with the decisions which Almighty Allah has determined.

From the writing of Imam Al-Ghazali (Rahimahullah) – Al Arbain fi Usulid Deen.

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