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*بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم*
*ﷺ ♥̸̨͡ﷺ♥̸̨͡ﷺ*

There is an interesting story related about two brothers. Both lived in one house. The one brother was a pious worshipper & lived on the top floor & the other who was a prolific doer of evil deeds lived on the ground floor.

But the first brother was very confident in his worship- in fact, a little too confident & self-complacent for his own good. He actually desired that Shaytaan should try to tempt him, so that he could resist temptation & soar to higher levels of righteousess. One day, Iblees did appear before him, perhaps in the form of a man [it is not mentioned in the narration]. Shaytaan said, "So very sad that u have spent 40 years inhibiting the satisfaction of ur desires & tiring ur body in worship. U still have 40 more years left to live, why don't u enjoy urself & follow ur lusts for a while. Then u can always repent & return to worship later on. After all, Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful."
The worshipper thought to himself, "I will go down to my brother on the first floor, & I will join him in the pursuit of pleasure for the next 20 years. Then, in the last 20 years of my life, I will repent to Allah & worship Him." He then began to descend the stairs to the first floor.

Meanwhile, his brother was going through a transformation of his own. He thought to himself, "I wasted away my entire life in sin. My brother, the worshipper, will enter Paradise, while I will enter the Hell-fire. By Allah, I will indeed repent, go up to my brother & join him for as long as I live, in the worship of Allah. Perhaps Allah will then forgive me."

He ascended the stairs, with the intention of repenting to Allah, while his brother was descending with the intention of leading a life of sin. The brother coming down slipped on one of the stairs, tumbled down, & knocked into his brother coming up. Both of them died.

Death may come upon us at any time, & it is our last deed that counts the most.

How sad & miserable a day it will be for us if our soul gets taken away whilst we are intending or committing sinful acts.
" Oh Allah,don't let the Angel of Death visit us when we are popping drugs into our mouths, or when we have a bottle of liquor in our hands, or when we are in a casino or escort agency, or in adultery or fornication, or watching some filthy movie or reading some filthy novel or magazine...."
آمـــــــــين يا رب العالمـــــــــين

Dua of Hazrath Maulana Yunus Patel (رحمة الله عليه )

(please share this bc with all. Perhaps it will reach someone who is intending to go out & celebrate & bring them to the straight path again.)

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