Mending Relationships

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*Weekend Story*

There used to be a person who used to live in Makkah Mukarramah, but he was originally from Khuraasan, he was a very very pious and an honest man, people used to come by him and leave their money etc as a trust by him..

One day a man came and left 10,000 dinaars as a trust by him and went away on a journey. When he came back from his journey he found out that "that trustee" had passed away.. He went to the family of the deceased and enquired about his money but no one knew anything, cos it was large amount of money involved he decided to go to the ulamas of Makkah Mukarramah and seek help..

He went to the ulamas and told them the whole story, the ulamas said that this man was a very pious man his soul must be in a good place and advised him to go to a certain place at midnight and theres a well called Zamzam there, he should call out the trustees name and he will get his answer.. انشاءالله

This man did as he was told, he went at midnight and called out the trustees name but didn't get any answer, he did that for the second time still no reply, he did that the third time, but to his disappointment *he had no reply*..

He went back to the ulamas and told them about what happened and they got really worried and surprised & prayed انا لله وانا اليه راجعون and said May Allah forbid he may be in Jahannam.

They asked him to go to another place called Barhoot and there is a well there, the souls of the transgressors stay there, he should do as he was told to do previously (call out his name) ..

At midnight he went to that place and called out the trustees name, at his first call he got a reply saying. "Don't worry your money is safe, not trusting my children I buried it in so and so place, go to my son and ask him to show u that place and you will get your money," He did that and he got his money but being really amazed he had asked the trustee that you are such a pious & honest man what made u end up here in this place?

What do you think his reply was? He never used to read salaah? He never died on Kalimah?

His reply was! I had some relatives in Khurasan with whom I didn't have good relationships with, *AND BEFORE DYING I DIDNT MEND THOSE RELATIONSHIPS AND THATS THE PUNISHMENT IM RECEIVING FOR IT*

Sisters just imagine that may allah guide us, let's all try to be with our best character with one and all, also even if someone hurts us just have patience, even If your *right* be quiet.. Always remember silence speaks louder than words.. May Allah make us amongst those with whom no one is ever hurt.. انشاءالله امين

📚 Fazaile Sadaqaat

Pearls Of Wisdom💎

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