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?بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ


Abdullah bin Hudhaifa (radiallaahu anhu) was a Sahabi (Companion of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wasallam.) Once he took part in Jihad & was captured as a prisoner of war by the Roman king. The Roman king demanded to know if there were any Sahabis among the prisoners of war. There was only one & that was Abdullah bin Hudhaifa (radiallaahu anhu) He was brought to the king.

The king wanted to turn the Sahabi away from Islam in particular so that he could proudly say that even the companions of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wasallam are not steadfast in their faith. He offered him what every materialistic person would love to have; he offered him half of his kingdom & his daughter’s hand in marriage if & only if he would leave Islam. Let us put ourselves in Abdullah bin Hudhaifa (radiallaahu anhu)’s shoes for a while. On one hand, he was a prisoner of war; he had no idea how the Romans would deal with him. On the other hand, the king’s daughter would be married to him & he would get half of the king’s kingdom. Not many would choose what Abdullah (radiallaahu anhu) chose; he chose his faith Islam & Allah! Subhaan Allah!

When the king did not succeed in turning him away from Islam, he tried another plan. He ordered a large cauldron to be brought, filled with oil & heated till it was boiling. Abdullah bin Hudhaifa (radiallaahu anhu)
was made to witness while another Muslim prisoner of war was thrown into the boiling oil. The prisoner’s body was simply fried in that boiling oil. Abdullah bin Hudhaifa (radiallaahu anhu) said he could see his white bones poking out of his flesh within a few minutes. The king asked him again if he was willing to leave Islam or otherwise he would meet the same fate.

Abdullah bin Hudhaifa (radiallaahu anhu)
said he would never leave Islam & if the king wished to throw him in the boiling oil, he could do whatever he was pleased with. So the king ordered his men to throw Abdullah (radiallaahu anhu) in the cauldron of boiling oil. Just when he was above the cauldron, the king saw tears on his face. He at once stopped his men as he thought that Abdullah (radiallaahu anhu )
had changed his mind. When Abdullah was brought in front of him again, the king asked happily if he had given up Islam. The answer of Abdullah bin Hudhaifa  to the king is fit to be written as golden words for it shows the strength of character & Imaan that have grown so scarce in today’s world.

He said: ”By Allah, I was not crying because I was afraid of dying. No, I cried because I have only one soul, one life to give to Allah. I would have loved if I had 100 lives & I sacrificed all of those for Allah.”

The king was astonished beyond words. Abdullah’s faith impressed him so much that he said to him that he would release Abdullah (radiallaahu anhu ) & all other Muslim prisoners of war if only Abdullah kissed his forehead. Abdullah bin Hudhaifa
thought for a moment. His little act could save so many lives, & since there was nothing wrong, no shirk associated with it, he kissed the forehead of the Roman king.

The king released Abdullah (radiallaahu anhu )& all other Muslim prisoners of war as promised. When they finally reached Madina, he narrated the whole story to Umar bin Khattab (radiallaahu anhu ) . Umar (radiallaahu anhu ) said ‘It is the duty for every Muslim to kiss the head of this man, Abdullah Ibn Hudhafah & I will be the first to do so.’ Having said that, Umar (radiallaahu anhu ) stood up & kissed Abdullah on his head for being steadfast in his faith.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala help us achieve strength of character & faith & may He increase our Imaan to such an extent that we become oblivious to the temptations & trials of this world.

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