Every Cloud has a silver lining

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Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

There was once a pious man, living (with his family) in the wilderness. They had a dog, donkey and rooster. The rooster would awake them for salaah, the donkey would be used to carry their water and grain etc., and the dog would guard and protect them.

One day, a fox arrived and snatched away the rooster, causing his family to grieve over its loss. However, since the man was a pious man, his response was, “Perhaps there is some good in what transpired.”

After some time had passed, a wolf arrived and attacked the donkey, splitting open its belly and killing it. They grieved over the loss of the donkey, but the pious man once again responded saying, “Perhaps there is some good in what transpired.”

Some time later, the dog also died, and once again, the pious man’s response was, “Perhaps there is some good in what transpired.”

Thereafter, they awoke one morning to find that during the night, all the people living in the nearby vicinity had been captured (and taken into slavery).

The reason for this was that the people who had raided the area had been able to find those people and capture them, in the darkness, due to the noise that their animals had made. As for this household, since they had no animals to make noise, they had remained undetected and were thus saved from being captured.

(Musannaf Ibni Abi Shaibah #36024)


A true believer is always pleased with the decree and decision of Allah Ta‘ala. Never will he complain against Allah Ta‘ala or ask questions such as, “But why me? Could Allah Ta‘ala not find someone else? Have I not been through enough?” Rather, a true believer will trust in Allah Ta‘ala and believe that Allah Ta‘ala, in His infinite knowledge, knows best. There is definitely some wisdom in the decision of Allah Ta‘ala, even if we cannot comprehend the wisdom. Hence, what seems to be a calamity is often a blessing in disguise, although we may not realize it at the time. Thus, in hardships and adversities, we must trust in Allah Ta‘ala, turn to Him and hold onto sabr (patience and steadfastness).

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