The Old lady

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An Old Woman Used To Everyday Begging for Money.

One day, the Imam of the Masjid asked her, "Why are you standing here and you are from a good family and your son is a good man?"

The Old Woman Replied, "As you Know, I have only One Son , And My Husband died years ago. My son travelled eight months ago and left me some money to spend on my needs, but by now I have spent it all and must resort to begging."

The Imam said, "Your son.. doesn't he send you money?"

The old woman replied, "Every month he sends me a coloured picture which I kiss and stick on the wall for remembrance."

The Imam decided to visit her house. He got a big surprise when he saw 8 cheques on the wall, each for a thousand  dollars, and realized the old woman didn't know what wealth she had because she was illiterate.

This may seem like a really strange story. However the old lady in the story resembles us quite a bit. We all have the Quran  in our home yet we don't take the time to read it, just kissing it and leaving it on the shelf.
We ask for happiness and success from people despite already having such a treasure, the Book of Allah in our houses.
May Almighty ALLAH (swt) make all of us the people of the Quran and make us able to read it every day
May Almighty ALLAH (swt) increase us the love of the holy Quran in the hearts of Every Muslims

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