Good for Good?

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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ

Sheikh Anas Bin Mesfr once narrated a true story of a family who had broken down on the way to Riyadh. The owner of the car informed the Sheikh that near the halfway point of his journey, his car broke down.  His wife & children were traveling with him.  He tried to fix the car but was unable to.

He mentions that as he was stood in the sun, many cars passed him by, except one man.  He saw him &
stopped.  He came over to the owner & asked if everything was ok? The man informed him of the issue & it turned out that the person who stopped had experience in fixing cars so he asked to take a look.  He examined it & unfortunately came to the conclusion that the issue could not be fixed on the spot.

Yet, instead of exchanging greetings & walking away, the man turned to the owner of the car, a person he'd never met before, & said: "You're here with your family, I don't have anyone with me, why don't you take my car & I'll wait here.  Once you arrive in Riyadh, drop your family off & send a tow-truck, I'll be here."

Shocked, the owner of the broken-down car replied with: "I don't know you & you don't know me, how are you offering me your car?!"

The man assured him & told him it's not an issue as they'll both have each others' cars & to put his trust in Allah.

Surprised & happy, the owner transferred his luggage & family to the new car & headed to Riyadh. He says he arrived in Riyadh late at night & sent a tow-truck to the man.  It was the following afternoon that the man & car arrived in Riyadh.

When he arrived, they greeted each other & the owner asked the man if there was something he could give him to reward him for what he had done? The man simply replied by saying he did it for the sake of Allah & he didn’t want anything from him.  In the end they exchanged numbers & went their way.

Some time went by & the owner of the car was sitting in a gathering where people were mentioning good deeds done for others.  The owner recalled what this man had done for him & then he remembered that he had not called him for a while so he decided to check up on him.

When he called the man, his wife answered the phone & he asked: where’s so & so?  She informed him he’s not here, &, not knowing who was calling, she mentioned, what else do you want from him? You put him in jail & now he’s imprisoned.

The owner of the car was taken back & asked why he’s in jail?  The wife informed him because of creditors like you. Every day somebody came & asked for him until he was put in jail.

Surprised, & without telling her who he was, he simply asked the name of the prison & ended the call.

The next day the owner took a 100 thousand riyals & headed to the prison.  Upon arrival he went to the admin office & confirmed that so & so was a prisoner there.  Upon confirmation, he asked the reason for imprisonment & was told debt.  Upon hearring this, he said here’s a 100 thousand riyals to pay his debt, please release him from jail but do not tell him who I am.  I am just a good-doer doing this for the sake of Allah.

Upon this, the prison manager called the imprisoned man & said I have good news for you, somebody came & paid a 100 thousand for you, here it is, in sha’Allah it’ll benefit you.  Use it to pay off your debts.

The man thanked the manager & asked him who the person was? He informed him we don’t know, he didn’t even tell us his name.  The man then said 100 thousand wouldn’t help him.  His debt is much bigger.  He had entered in to a trade deal which lost money & thus ended up with a debt of 3 million.

Then he paused & said, but you know what? Those prisoners with smaller debts like 5 thousand, 10 thousand etc, this 100 thousand will get them out of jail!

How beautiful is this man’s character that here he was with a 100 thousand given to him yet instead of thinking of giving it to his family etc. for personal benefit, he thought of those around him he could help & benefit.  With the 100 thousand, he managed to free 7 people from prison that day for the sake of Allah.

The sheikh mentions that the prison manager is amazed by what has just happened.  He said: I don’t know which of them I was more amazed by.  The man who gave a 100 thousand without even telling us his name or this man who gave away that 100 thousand when he himself has nothing to his name.

Two or three weeks later the owner of the car decided to call the man’s house again.  To his surprise, the wife answered once more & when asked where he is, she again mentioned jail!

He hung up & headed to the prison one more time.  He met the prison manager & asked him, didn’t I give you a 100 thousand for it to facilitate this man’s release? So how is he still locked up?

The manager informed him that his debt was much larger, 3 million riyals & then said, by Allah, I don’t know which of you amazed me the most.  Your generosity & ehsaan that you gave a 100 thousand without giving your name & then for you to come back to check up on him or him & what he did.  He then proceeded to inform him of what the man had done with the 100 thousand.

At this, the owner of the car was stunned.  He thought this is not an ordinary person. He asked the prison manager to give him documents showing his 3 million debts.  After obtaining these, the owner of the car, who was well connected, went to princes & rich individuals & managed to collect 3 million within 3 months.  Then he went back, paid the money & had him freed from jail.

As اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala says in the Noble Qur’an:

هَلْ جَزَآءُ الإِحْسَـنِ إِلاَّ الإِحْسَـنُ

(Is there any reward for good other than good)

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