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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ
The incident of a mαη who accepted Islam.

When he was asked why he accepted Islam he replied, " There was one incident ƒrσм the Seerah of Nabi sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. Aиϑ after studying that incident, I had no choice but to fall ȋ̊η l♡ve with Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. "

Aиϑ what was that?

"He says, "once the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam was sitting with his Companions ȋ̊η Musjidun Nabawi. A mαη comes to the gathering of Rasullullah sallallaahi alayhi wasallam & says, "Ya Rasullullah, I can't find mў son...my son has gone missing & it has been 3 days I haven't seen my son. Make dua that I can find him. I'v been looking for him for the last 3 days."

The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam was about to make dua but before he raised his hands for dua Allahu Jallaa wa' Aalaa accepted his dua. اللّه Knew what was ȋ̊η the hє∂rt of Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam.

Aиϑ then a Sahaabi ƒrσм the gathering got up & said, " Ya Rasullullah, I saw his son earlier on. He was playing ȋ̊η the garden near Musjidun Nabawi. He is playing with the other children."

Now this mαη, when he heard that his son is playing ȋ̊η a garden, he got up & started running out to search for his son, to find him. The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said, "Call him back. Call him back. Call that Sahaabah back!"

The Companions went & they called him back & Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said, "why did u get up & why did u run?"

The mαη said, "ya Rasullullah, u can understand my situation..for 3 days I haven't seen my son. Aиϑ his mother hasn't eaten anything. She cannot sleep, she cannot eat. Aиϑ with immense happiness when I heard mў son is playing ȋ̊η the garden, I got up & wanted to see him. "

Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said, "I understand the state of ur hє∂rt. I understand ur situation. I know that u are missing ur son. But I called u back for a reason.
There is one thing I want to tell u & that is, when u will go & find ur son & u will see him, do not call him ur son. Do not say, 'O mў son'. Do not address him by saying, 'My son, O my son! Do not say that. Call him by his name. "

The mαη said, "Ya Rasullullah , what is the wisdom behind that? Why do u want me to call him by his name?"

Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said, "I can understand ur situation- u have not seen him for 3 days. When u will see him..the moment u will see him..u will have a lot of l♡ve for him & with immense l♡ve, the sweet words when u will utter ,'Ya Bunayya, O bєlo√εd son of mine. When u will call upon him with so much l♡ve...when u will say 'O bєloved son of mine' out of so much l♡ve , I fear what ɪ̇Ƒ there are some orphans playing with him. Aиϑ when they will hear u call upon him, 'O mў son' then they will feel ɪ̇Ƒ only mў father was alive & he would call upon me with so much l♡ve & muhabbat"

Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam then said," This is why I want u to call him by his name & when u go home u can express all ur l♡ve for him. "

This is the Prophet of mercy..undoubtedly he is the Prophet of l♡ve & mercy. ɪ̇Ƒ he can feel so much about the children & ɪ̇Ƒ he cares upon them so deeply, then undoubtedly he is nothing but a mercy ƒrσм اللّه.


This is the lȋ̊fع of Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. This is the beauty of the bєloveεd of اللّه.

ɪ̇Ƒ someone's wife has passed away, do not express ur l♡ve towards ur wife ȋ̊η their presence. That is what islam teaches us.

ɪ̇Ƒ someone does not have children, do not kiss ur children ȋ̊η front of that person.
This is what the teaching of Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam is!

ɪ̇Ƒ someone is a poor mαη....ɪ̇Ƒ someone has nothing to cook at home .then do not cook ȋ̊η his presence. Do not show him what u are eating.

ɪ̇Ƒ u have a better car than someone else the do not park ur car outside his house. ....this is what Islam teaches us.
Do not show ur properties & ur wealth & ur name & ur fame to those who are deprived of it.

This is the sunnat mizaaj (way/sunnat) of Rasullullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam.

(Shaykh Muhammad Saqib)

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