The Dumb Boy

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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ

The Dumb Boy

There was once a rich man with tremendous wealth. He was a landlord. However, the man had a dumb son who had very little intelligence. The people called the son a stupid.

One day, the rich man called his son & told him to make him some tea. When the son brought the tea to his father, the father took one sip from the cup & to his surprise, it was very delicious. He asked his son about how the tea was made.

The son replied, “I went to the backyard to look for some firewood. But, since it was raining, all the wood was wet. So, I went to the place where u store ur money & picked up a lot of notes. Then I burnt all the paper money to make the tea.”
The father was horrified...The tea that tasted very good in the beginning to him now tasted like poison.

All of us reading this story is thinking that the son is really dumb. Why???... Because he burnt money just to make a cup of tea. But let's think deeper & reflect on our own lives. Aren't we even more dumber by burning our everlasting life in the hereafter (akhira) for this short, fleeting life which to اللّه
Subhana Ta'ala is not even worth to the wing of a mosquito.

The world bases wisdom on educating oneself to become rich & famous & having all the luxuries that money can buy.
However our Nabi Kareem sallallaahu alayhi wasallam , when asked about the most wisest & far sighted of men said, (to the effect)
It is "he who remembers death much aиϑ makes the greatest preparation for it..."

May اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala grant us true wisdom.

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