Musa Alayhissalaam and the ant

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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ

Musa ('alayhis salam) & The
Ant (worm) That Was Praising
Allah Ta'ala

When Sayyidina Musa alayhis salaam reached Mount Tur ȋ̊η search of fire, what he found there was not fire but Noor. He was made a Nabi & was commanded by Allah Subhana Ta'ala to go to Egypt to bring the pharaoh & his people to the right path.

At that hour, it occurred to him that he had left his wife ȋ̊η a wilderness all alone. Who would take care of her?

To remove this doubt ƒrσм his heart, Allah Subhana Ta'ala commanded him to strike his rod at the rock ȋ̊η front of him. When the rock split, out came another rock. He was commanded to strike his rod at that too. He did that, & out came the third rock. He was commanded to strike his rod at this rod too. It split open, & coming out ƒrσм it he saw an ant holding a fresh green leaf ȋ̊η his mouth.

Musa (‘alayhis salam) was given the ability to hear the ant praising Allah Subhana Ta'ala ȋ̊η the following words;

Subhanallaahi may yaraani
Glory be to the One who sees me

Wa yasmaoo kalami
Aиϑ to the One who hears my speech

Wa ya'rifu makaani
Aиϑ recognises my place

Wa yadhkurani
Aиϑ remembers me

Wala yansaani
Aиϑ does not forget/ neglect me.

(Subhaan Allah!)

No doubt Sayyidina Musa alayhis salaam believed ȋ̊η the perfect power of Allah Subhana Ta'ala even before, but this incident only increased his Yaqeen ȋ̊η Allah Subhana Ta'ala's power & unseen help. He left for Egypt immediately, relying on Allah Subhana Ta'ala to take care of his wife ȋ̊η his absence.

Similarly let this story of Musa alayhis salaam inspire us when we are feeling alone & helpless. Allah Subhana Ta'ala will never desert us in our darkest moments. He is well aware of us ȋ̊η our difficulties & cares most beautifully for each one of us .

If an ant, a tiny miniscule fragile creation of اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala, living deep within a solid rock is never left neglected & so well -cared for, how then can we burden ourselves with thoughts that we are solely responsible for creating our own wealth & opportunities!

Allah (ﷻ) Al-Razzaaq: The Provider, The Providence, The Supplier, The Bestower of Sustenance. The One who creates all means of nourishment & subsistence. The One who provides everything that is needed. says:

“Lo! Allah (ﷻ) is that who
gives livelihood, the Lord of
unbreakable might.”
[Quran - Dhariyat: 58]

“We provide for you”
[ Al-Anaam:151]

These ayaat clearly indicate that Allah (ﷻ) is the Razzaq (Provider) & that Rizq is ascribed to Him alone – He provides to whom He wills, & this authority of provision is reserved for Him alone.

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