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Let me tell you an incredible story about what happens when you forgive people. Please read this because it is a pure miracle and extremely beautiful.

There was a poor taxi driver in Damascus that mistakenly ran over a student studying medicine which unfortunately led to his death. Shaykh Muhammad 'Aywad and other scholars went to the boy's father who was a judge, and they asked him to forgive the poor taxi driver for killing his son, and they offered him blood money as a recompense. The father beautifully replied, 'By Allāh, I have forgiven him and I do not want a penny from him. Tomorrow, I shall go to the prison and take him out my self.' Then he said, 'Shaykh 'Aywad, you came to my House and I shall NOT allow you to leave disappointed!' The taxi driver was hence forgiven.

Years later, this father became paralysed and ill so his family took him for a final visit to the Haram of Makkah. They held him up in a wooden stretcher and made Tawaf. Whilst he was being carried, he tearfully said, "O Allāh, Shaykh 'Aywad came to me asking for forgiveness for a man who killed my son and I said, 'I will not let you leave my house disappointed.' Today, I come to Your House with paralysis and ask that that You do not let me leave disappointed!' He didn't finish his du'a except he was granted shifa in his body. He didn't complete Tawaf except walking with complete cure! Everyone who saw him on that day broke down in tears. Forgive those who have wronged you and Wallahi, Allāh will show you miracles!'

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