Selfie craze

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*The Craze that became a Disgrace*

In today's world of smartphones, we have become so obsessed with the taking of 'SELFIES' that it has become the norm.
Anything and everything are posted on social media.
If we had to take a 'Selfie' of our souls and hearts, would it be attractive to post on social media and show the world ?

SELFIES in Ibaadat (we praying)
SELFIES in Tilaawat (we reciting Quraan)
SELFIES in Imaamat (when we are Imaam)
SELFIES in Bayaans (how we giving lectures)
SELFIES when visiting the sick (showing how we care for the ill)
SELFIES at accident scenes (we want to be the first to report the news)
SELFIES in happy occassions (boasting about our smart lifestyles)
SELFIES in sad moments (seeking pity from people)
SELFIES when helping the needy (showing how generous we are)
SELFIES when doing relief & charitable work. (letting the world know that only we can do the best charity job)
The list can carry on and on .......

This epedemic is not only restricted to the layman but now some learned have also fell prey to this. Giving the impression that it is *OK* to do this.

Imagine if we could take SELFIES of ourselves in the Qabr ?

On the day of Qiyaamah our body parts will portray our true selves.
This will be the true and genuine *SELFIE.*

*Are we ready for those portraits ?*

May Allaah protect us and give us proper understanding. Aameen.

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