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A very touching story shared by a Sister!!

Exactly one year ago, my 4 month old daughter passed away. The night that she was dying was a very difficult night. My husband and I kept hoping that our daughter would be better by morning time. But as time went on, we saw that it wasn't so. SubhanAllah, even this small child who had committed no sins, was completely innocent, even she had to face the difficulty of death...the pangs of death. During the night, there were times that my daughter would be sleeping and times when she would be awake crying, but it was a voiceless cry. That was the most difficult part, to see her cry without any sound coming out of her mouth. It showed how little strength she had left. At one point during the night, the nurse told me that my daughter is dying now... When I finally accepted the fact that my daughter is not going to make it till the morning, I forced myself to do wudu and pray 2 rakahs. It's so easy to say that we should have sabr and pray. But praying those 2 rakahs was hard. I felt physically and emotionally exhausted from seeing my daughter go through pain and not being able to do anything to help her. Going to the hospital washroom to do wudu and then praying was something I had to force myself to do. I had to tell myself: this is tahajjud time, it is Ramadan, and Allah SWT will help my daughter to die in the best way if I just pray 2 rakahs and make dua for her. When I went down in Sajdah, I asked Allah SWT to make things easy for my dying child, that she dies in the best way, the most dignified way, that her janazah happens quickly and according to the sunnah.

Allah SWT answered my duas and even more! When my daughter was taking her last breath in my lap, I was calm. I was patient because I accepted Allah's Decree and also I knew what was happening right then. I knew the angel of death was there and he was taking her soul in the most gentlest way. I knew that she was going to go to Jannah, so I had nothing to worry about. I informed my family of my daughter's death and I urged my husband to make arrangements for the funeral that same day. I didn't want any delay. We had a lot of problems in getting the funeral to take place quickly. But we pushed the hospital staff to get my daughter's death certificate right away. After that there was delay on the part of the Masjid that they couldn't come to pick up my daughter's dead body. I insisted it must happen today so the hospital arranged for a taxi in which I would
take my daughter in my lap to the Masjid. As we were getting in the taxi, followed closely by the hospital security guard, we were told us that no one had ever left the hospital in the way that we left that day: taking a dead body in a taxi. Alhamdulillah we made it to the Masjid on time where my daughter's body was washed by the exact person whom I was hoping would come: one of my first Quran teachers. How she was able to come was by the will of Allah
too. She is never in the city during Ramadan, she's always at the Ka'bah performing Umrah, but subhanAllah Allah willed that she wash my daughter's body. I knew she would perform this act according to the Sunnah. It was a weekday but the Masjid was packed, so much so that people couldn't find parking in the first level. Family and friends had left work to come for this Janazah. All this for a small child? All this because of patience and Salah.

"Indeed Allah is with those who are
patient." Don't ever think that Sabr and Salah can't make a difference. You don't know what little bit of patience and 2 rakahs can do for you. . .
وما توفيقي الا بالله

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