A Penny

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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ

Let go...

A little child was playing one day with a very valuable vase. He put his hand into it & could not withdraw it.

His father too, tried his best, but all in vain.

They were thinking of breaking the vase when the father said, "Now, my son, make one more try. Open ur hand & hold ur fingers out straight as u see me doing, & then pull."

To their astonishment the little fellow said, "O no, father. I couldn't put my fingers out like that, because if I did I would drop my penny."

Smile, if u will--but thousands of us are like that little boy, so busy holding on to this worthless temporary world which is keeping us back from experiencing the true real treasure & jewels that our Deen gives to us.

Our beloved Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam who was the beacon of guidance for the entire ummah said to the effect that “The value of this dunya to Allah, is less than a wing of a mosquito.”
Can u imagine that! The whole of duniya, with all of its precious metals...all its precious stones...all its property & goods, all that is on the ground & in the oceans – is worth less than one wing of a mosquito.

Let us let go of everything that is standing in our way of achieving اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala's love & achieving Jannah.
How truly sad & pitiful our condition will be when we realise much too late , that we spent our life in this world cheating ourselves by holding tightly onto all the wrong things.

"Holding onto dunya creates a veil that blocks Light from entering the heart.
When u stop chasing dunya aиϑ let go, u remove that veil.
When the veil is removed, Light can enter the heart.
The same dunya u used to run after, will run after u, because all things are attracted to Light."

So free urself of the shackles of this world to let in the Light & let go of:
[ ] Forbidden, illicit relationships..
[ ] Addiction to music, drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography..
[ ] Distractions that are time wasting ( social media/ online games/ whatsapp/ movies)
[ ] Toxic, negative relationships & emotions which bring us down in life & prevent us from growing into better people & better, productive Muslims
[ ] Obsession with our work & making money in the pursuit of more & more.
[ ] Pleasing our spouses, children, relatives, bosses, colleagues, friends at the expense of displeasing اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala.
[ ] Anything & everything that is taking us away from the real purpose of being given life which is to worship اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala.
# istighfaar
# dua
# effort! effort! effort!

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