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When Shaitaan reminds you of your past...

Remind him of his future...

And he WILL abjure...


_An Important Lesson For The Muslim Ummah_*

_*By Maulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullaahi Alayhi)*_

I met a person in Madina Shareef. He was from Burma. 

He related his story to me, saying that they were extremely wealthy and lavish. 

If they had any function, one chicken would be provided for each guest – one entire chicken per person, and then the wastage! 

When the revolution took place, the soldiers said to them: 

“We are the owners now. If you wish, you can work for us or take 200 Rupees only and leave the country!”

They were millionaires. They owned big factories and businesses.

In one day, all was lost. The brother said that they had to gather all their money, take a match and set it alight, and they watched their millions burn. 

And they had no choice. If they were caught with that kind of money, they would have been imprisoned.

All their hard work and they set fire to their money.

_*What was the cause?*_

Negligence in practising Deen, negligence in propagating Deen and negligence in establishing Deen in their country, not to mention the lavishness and extravagance.

We should not sit contently thinking that we are safe, because our extravagance and lavishness exceeds bounds. 

The consequences could be similar. May Allah Ta’ala protect us!

We are seeing the Kuffaar uniting to destroy the Muslim Ummah. 

We were warned of this in the Hadith. The enemy nations will invite each other to pounce upon and attack the Muslim Ummah as hungry people invite one another for food. 

_*Our downfall is due to Hubbud Dunya (Love for the world) and dislike for death.*_

*_May Allah Ta’ala guide us and grant us the understanding and the ability of practising upon the teachings of the Qur’aan Shareef and Sunnah. In this lies our protection!_*

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