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   Taehyung got off the blue bus relieved. He had spent over 7 hours in there alone with an old man that kept eyeing him. Taehyung had all of his colorful suitcases in his hands , surprised at what was in front of him letting them all fall on the ground.

     "What the-" Taehyung whispered. It had been a school. A old creepy dead looking one. It had black crumbling bricks, a broken large fence at the beginning with a sign that looked like it once held its name, powdery gray fog wrapping around the perimeter and a big, rusty bell broken in half on the top.

   Taehyung took out his phone trying to turn it on knowing very well it was at 0%. He sighed looking down at the crusty gray dirt. Picking up his suitcases again, he pricked his finger on a sticker.

      "Ah! You fucking bitch" Taehyung whisper screamed at the sticker as he flicked it off. Dots of blood rose up his skin as he pushed down on it amused. He snapped out and gave a deep breath, looking at the school again before walking up to the door slowly. As he was about to open it, it slammed open making him fall back.

      "You must be Kim Taehyung am I correct?" Said a lovely startling voice.

   Taehyung propped himself up "uhm..yeah.." he stuttered out. He scrambled to pick up his suitcases fast.

    "Let me give you a hand sweetie" The silhouette of the women said. He reached out his hand to feel silk gloves wrapped on skinny fingers.

    "Thank y-" Taehyung didn't end his sentence as he saw her features brighten under the broken yellow light. His eyes wide and jaw broken.

   "Are you okay sweet heart? You seem to be growing pale" she reached her hand out to his cheek, her fingers surprisingly warm because of the lilac colored gloves.

   "I..you..you're just..bones" Taehyung said backing away. She laughed and snorted "Of course I'm just bones! I mean I have a heart and other things but that's what I'm mostly made up of!. I'm a skeleton honey," she said walking over to him again ",anyways we need to go. The principal is a busy man and may not have time later in the day." She said taking his arm and pushing him inside.

   The inside was nothing like the outside. The room that they were in was immense. Walls that shimmered gold, red long carpets leading to hallways, students walking, running and..FLYING??

   "Whatshappeningohmygod" Taehyung said fast, confused and dizzy.

   Instead of replying she dragged him into a room that was in the corner of the entrance. She was surprisingly very strong that even if Taehyung wanted to hold back he would still be flying like a light feather.

       "Hello sir this is your new student, give him a warm welcome" she winked at him before throwing Taehyung into the room and slamming the door. Taehyung turned around slowly to see a man. A normal man. Taehyung was gonna hit him with a bunch of questions but instead just stood there with millions of suitcases in his hands.

       "Have a seat Mr.Kim" He said without looking at him. He was signing a stack of papers that were as tall as Taehyung. Taehyung walked over to the seats which were very strange. They had red velvet cushions but the backs of the seats were mighty tall and curved down at the tip. Taehyung put down his suitcases carefully right next to one of the seats and tried to sit down comfortably on the chair, making him feel cramped.

My Vampire Roommate (vmin)Where stories live. Discover now