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   Taehyung put on a white turtleneck with wide,brown pants that beautifully complimented his golden locks. He went to his classes like it was a usual school day, I mean the students didn't look anything like the ones back at his town but it was alright, he didn't mind. All the students were kind to him, way too kind. He had never been treated this nicely before, it felt like he walked into a different universe with no one knowing his past. It felt refreshing. He even had some classes with his new friends.

    Taehyung unlocked the dorm and stepped inside, pleased to see that a certain someone wasn't there. He threw down his bag and went to the kitchen, saddened to see there was nothing in the fridge. After looking at the fridge for a couple of minutes like something would magically appear, he heard loud talking coming from outside of his dorm room. He prayed that they wouldn't stop at the door, sighing loudly when he saw the lock open.

       "But it wasn't a pickle, it was his brother!" Hoseok said, everyone laughed as they poured in through the door.

        "Ey what's up best friend!" Jimin smiled at Taehyung.

   Taehyung looked displeased and annoyed. How could a messy vampire live with such a organized human....'organized'.

         "Oh, by the way me and Yoongi are in the next dorm! How lit is that?. We convinced them to make us roommates" Hoseok said hugging Yoongi. Hoseok was wearing a huge, lose black shirt with gray sweatpants, Yoongi wore a white sweater tucked in light blue mom jeans. They looked awfully cute together.

        "Are you kidding me? We're gonna feel the whole floor rumble because of you two" Jimin jokingly said.

         "We'll be having a great time" Hoseok smirked, Yoongi slapped him on the chest and he whispered a sorry.

           "Hey, where's Namjoon?" Taehyung asked looking around for the goth.

             "He wanted to go swimming instead of chilling with us, he said he'll come up in a few minutes though" Jungkook said, searching the cupboards for food.

              "What a party pooper" Jin said, walking over to the couch and throwing himself down.

                "Oh hey, Taehyung let me have your number so I can add you to our group chat" Yoongi smiled, taking out his phone. He had a black phone case with the words "FUCK OFF" bodily written in the middle.

  <Glossyo added Taezoom to 'her cheeks taste like lunchables'>

namjoon baby please come I'm so bored without you :(

we're right here you bitch

Whose kenneth

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung with a smirk. They were all sprawled on the ground or couch, sounds of typing and giggles filling the room. Taehyung sat on a tiny solo couch in the back and Jimin sat down on the ground comfortably between his legs.

Aren't y'all together rn??

Yeah but we're so boredddd😔

Can someone order takeout we don't
got any food👀

I already did when we were in the
I predicted that all y'all uglies
would be hungry so everyone
say 'thank you jin'😌

Thank u juan



Thanks jin


A few moments later a loud knock was heard. They bring takeout to your dorm room??, Taehyung wondered, I mean I ain't complaining. Jin got up to get it and it was Joon carrying the bags of food. Joon was wearing a gray tank top with black sweats. Taehyung questioned why everyone looked so good even if they didn't try.

"Ey we got food bitches!"

The only sound that ringed the room was the intense slurping and loud chewing, no one spoke. They were all appreciating the food, savoring each bite as their last. Taehyung looked over at everyone individually, stealing glances anytime he had. He noticed something strange with Namjoon, his skin was slightly green with a blue undertone. Taehyung squinted at his skin, wondering if he was hallucinating. To his surprise, he saw slits in his skin, pearly slits that were circular. Scared to break the silence, he finally spoke up

"Oh my god Namjoon are you okay?? Your skin is kinda green." Taehyung tried not to gag. They all looked at him, noodles hanging off their plump lips.

"He's shrek" Jungkook simply said, taking a big bite of teriyaki chicken.

"I'm a mermaid" Namjoon said unbothered.

"Then why did Jimin introduce you to me as a goth boy?" Taehyung puzzled, looking at Jimin who had a smile.

"Cause he's goth" Jin rolled his eyes, stating the obvious.

The week went by fast, the assignments were pretty simple so Taehyung didn't stress as much as he thought he would. Even if they weren't simple, his classmates would always give him the answers. They were too generous, anything that Taehyung did struck them in the heart. It was finally Friday, living with Jimin wasn't so hard if you woke up really early and got home pretty late. Today he went straight to the dorm seeing as though they had to take part of a party. Taehyung didn't really like the sound of it, but when has he ever been good with anything fun?.

"Ey look who's here, my one and only" Jimin smiled, tilting his head to the side. Everyone stared at Taehyung, he had thrown on a gray jacket and comfy black pants.

"Great, we can leave for the party at 8 since it's kinda far away" Yoongi yawned. He was caressing Hoseoks hair, his head laid on Yoongis lap with the rest of his body on the couch.

"Where are we even going" Taehyung asked setting down his things. They had finally restocked their fridge, so he reached in to grab a bottle of water.

"My friends house, it's a huge party. A bunch of people will be there so I bet they won't hear your heart, I mean unless your scared. You scared Tae? Have you even gone to a party before? Like a real one?." Jin asked.

The questions all had complex answers, at least to Taehyung.



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My Vampire Roommate (vmin)Where stories live. Discover now