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"I think he left. Fuck Tae this is all your fault since you didn't want to go earlier."  Jimin rolled his eyes as he walked away.

                  "What? How is this my fault!?"

   Jimin was really pushing his buttons tonight, dumb dumb vampire. Jimin turned around, showing a sneaky smirk.

                   "Hey...didn't you touch me in the closet?." Jimin squinted and rubbed his chin, giving a awful smile that Taehyung wanted to slap off.

                   "Nope, I touched you with my sweater. It wasn't my hand, and I also touched your shirts cloth when I pushed you" Taehyung was pleased with the sigh that left Jimin.

                    "Hey, isn't that my hoodie? I didn't even notice, who told you that was allowed" Jimin said walking next to Tae, hands in his pockets.

                     "Really?," Taehyung looked down at the oversized hoodie, "I didn't even realize."

       "Mhm sureee" Jimin teased.

"No like I actually didn't realize I picked yours up, I just grabbed a random one" Taehyung knew there was no way to win, the stubborn vampire always finds his way.

"Just give it up Tae, I know you always want to be near me and secretly want to lose this bet" Jimin grinned, Taehyung stopped in his tracks and gave him a serious look,

"I rather drink all of Jins potions than ever think about the thought of missing you" Taehyung said harshly. Jimin grabbed his chest, and pretend to cry, "wow" he sniffled.

"Shut up" Taehyung chuckled

"I thought you loved me, I guess I was wrong. I must go, for I cannot fathom on the embarrassment that is tainting me" Jimin sang, covering his face with the back of his hand. Taehyung rolled his eyes as he laughed,

"Stop. Where are we going next?. Are you gonna show me something else I don't know about you?" Taehyung questioned, they were walking down a empty, dimly lit hall.

"Hmm...Okay, I'll show you a really really nice place. Close your eyes" Jimin gave a smirk.

"I don't know if I can trust a vampire that easily, how do I know that your not gonna put your dick in my mouth?" Taehyung squinted his eyes at him.

"Let's pinky promise I won't" Jimin gave a small smile as he stuck his pinky out.

"You're not gonna fool me that easily" Taehyung shook his head.

"Guess I'm gonna have to pull it out" Jimin warned.

"Okay fine I'll close my eyes" Taehyung sighed as he shut his eyes. He heard a zipper being unzipped and some other rattling, he started getting nervous, "wait don't actually pull it out I was just playing"

"Then touch me you stubborn bitch" Jimin sighed. Taehyung started to sweat from the comment, hesitantly opening his eyes. 

        ", I'm not actually gonna put it in anywhere..it was just a joke, but I need you to touch me so I can take you somewhere" Jimins mouth curved up as he reached his hand out.

"I don't wanna lose"

"You're not even losing anything, in fact you get to gain a guard. That guard is me. That doesn't sound that bad!"

"Ughhh fine, this place better be good" Taehyung hit himself for giving up so easily as he took Jimins hand and closed his eyes.

"Don't make me bump into a wall or I'll murder you"

"Maybe I'll like getting murdered by you" Jimin grinned.


tHis ones pretty short sO a perdona me
uhM thank u for reading uwu pls drink enough water and get enough sleep!! I love you🥰🥰(sorry for never updating, should I make a schedule for updates??)

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