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After hours of running in a circle, Taehyung found the familiar school. He was drenched in sweat even though it was quite cool. He pushed the doors open and smiled tirelessly knowing that a dumb vampire was dead and that their whole dorm room would soon be his.

Taehyung fumbled for the keys with half opened eyes. He had a big headache and felt like he was gonna puke. He opened the door and flung it close, throwing himself on the ground and staying down.

"I thought you died" the voice of too familiar creature taunted. Taehyung didn't respond, he just let the chilliness of the floor cool his body. After a few minutes past and Taehyung had collected his breath, he responded,

"Fuck you" he stood back up but fell onto the person he hated at the moment. They both fell with a loud thud, Taehyung got up and fell back down. His foot became numb. (A/n If your foot has ever gotten numb and you've walked, you're a brave solider and have my respect😔🤟)

"Owww!" Taehyung cringed as he slowly moved his foot. Jimin looked at him surprised,

"I'm not even touching yo-"

"My foots numb you idiot! Get off of me!!" Taehyung whimpered.

"Tae..you're the one top of me you blind kazoo" Jimin remarked slowly.

"Why did you leave me?!. Did you realize that I don't know my way back??. That I was completely lost for hours!??" Taehyung shouted. Jimin said nothing, waiting for Taehyung to calm his temper down. Taehyung laid his head on Jimins chest, hearing no thump from his dead cold heart. Become friends with the enemy then stab them in the heart. Perfect idea, Taehyung thought.

"So...you're not gonna move huh?"

"Nope. This is your punishment. Fuck you, AGAIN." Taehyung made up the excuse, he just couldn't move. And to be completely honest, it was nice.

"You know I could just push you off, right?"

"Please don't" Taehyung breathed.

"You deserve an explanation. So I was awake the entire time while you slept, the usual. I didn't notice the sun going up till I felt my ankles burn. I looked up to see the sun half way up. I was gonna carry you but I needed to go, so I flew all the back to the school in hopes of you finding it. I was gonna go tonight if you hadn't returned. I'm sorry" Jimin explained softly.

Taehyung hit him on the chest and mumbled a few words, "Okay, I accept your apology, but know that if this happens again I'm going to stab you"

       Jimin smiled, "You're so cute"

"Excuse me?, cant you see that I am furious right now?!" Taehyung wrinkles his nose.

Jimin giggled, "You should probably take a shower, maybe I could join?"

"Mhm sure" Taehyung rolled his eyes. He wanted to get up and run to the bathroom but his foot was still out cold. BITCH ASS HOE REGENERATE FAST SO I CAN RUN, Taehyung screamed to himself as he hit his sleeping foot on the ground, hoping it would wake up faster.

"I don't know Tae, you're not really moving right now so what makes me think you don't wanna-"

Taehyung crawled slowly off of Jimin, groaning at the pain his foot has brought him. It felt like tiny ants crawling all over his skin. He got up and balanced on one foot,

"No bitch"

Taehyung hopped to the kitchen to get water, his throat felt scratched and dry from the other night. He drank big gulps till the water was gone. At the same time, his foot felt normal with the movement. Jimin sat up and looked at him, "You're gonna have a bad shower I guess" Jimin shrugged. Without a word, Tae made a run for it.

Taehyung brushed his teeth aggressively while he waited for the cold water to turn hot. He threw his dirty clothes in the filled up laundry basket and hopped in the shower. He threw his head back when he felt the satisfaction of the calm water rushing down his chest.

Taehyung threw a small fuzzy towel on his head as he wrapped another towel loosely around his waist. He unlocked the door with water still drizzling down his cold body. Tae ran to the room and locked the door.

"Is this why you never take a shower when I'm here?.. BECAUSE DAMN"

Taehyung jumped at the sound of Jimins voice. He was playing on his phone, relaxed on his bed.

"I just came to get clothes you pervert." Taehyung flipped him off as he looked for something comfortable to wear.

"Let's watch a movie together, I'll be over there while you change in here since you like your privacy" Jimin grinned as he walked out of the room. Taehyung was surprised he left him at that, it couldn't be that simple...right?.

"You took like 6 hours changing, what took you so long?" Jimin grumbled.

"It was 6 minutes, and I was suspicious on why you just left" Taehyung sat down next to Jimin on the couch. He was scrolling through movies on Netflix.

"Well Tae, maybe I just wanna respect your privacy" Jimin glanced at Taehyung.

"Who are you?"

"What?" Jimin made a face as he turned to his roommate who was squinting his eyes at him.

"You're not Jimin..who the fuck are you?" Taehyung grabbed a near by pillow and gripped on to it.

"Oh my god. It's me, your mean vampire roommate you dumb cutie"

Taehyung flung a pillow at Jimin, "GET OUT OF MY DORM! YOU ARENT JIMIN" Taehyung laughed as he hit Jimin with another pillow. Jimin grabbed the cushion and swung it at Tae. Taehyung gripped two other pillows and got on top of Jimin, holding him down as he hit him hard with both. Taehyung stopped and laughed at Jimins deadpan expression.

"I'm just kidding, I know it's you!" Taehyung smiled.

"You're making me sad" Jimin mumbled as he looked away from Taehyung.

"And why is that you baby" Taehyung quietly giggled as he poked Jimins cheek.

"Because I'm trying to be nice but this is how you treat me?? I think I'm gonna have to find another roommate" Jimin sniffled as he stuck out his bottom lip.

"Aw. Its fine Jimin, I really appreciate what your doing" Taehyungs fingers brushed Jimins jaw, he turned his face to look at him, he had a shining smile.

"Okayyy" He dragged the word as he smiled.

BRUHSJSHKSHSJS I FORGOT THAT I HAD A SCHEDULE IM SORRY ILL UPDATE TMR TOO :(( I'm sorry I hope u enjoyed this chapter, remember to get rest and drink a lot of water, i love u💖💖(if there's misspelleds it's bc I ruShed)

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