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           "..I..I don't know about this one chief" Taehyung shouted from the bathroom as he looked at himself in the mirror.

            "Come out and show us!" Yoongi clapped his hands in excitement.

   Taehyung hesitantly opened the door, Yoongi and Hoseok gasped making him want to erase his existence. The skirt brushed his thighs and if he moved the wrong way in the crop top he would flash his belly. It was surprisingly  comfortable though, he wanted to spin like a ballerina just to see it rise.

                "YOU'RE SO CUTE. I NEVER REALIZED HOW MUCH I NEEDED THIS TILL NOW!" Yoongi bounced up and down as he went all around Taehyung.

                 "More people should wear skirts, end of discussion. They look so cute and well on everyone" Hoseok said as he bit into a piece of food that Taehyung didn't recognize.

                  "Wait, I know exactly what this outfit is missing," Yoongi took of his knee high socks with a rush and threw them at Taehyung, "PUT THEM ON"

   Taehyung felt like a toy doll being dressed by a kid, though he quite enjoyed it. When he came back out of the bathroom, he swore Yoongis eyes turned to stars.

                   "WE NEED TO SEND JIMIN A PICTURE" Yoongi pulled out his phone.

                   "NOPE, NO WE ARENT" Taehyung tried to grab the phone out of Yoongis hand, but the flash of a camera went off. He turned and saw it was Hoseoks,

                    "Here babe, just press send" Hoseok threw the phone at Yoongi and he caught it, pressing send in front of Taehyungs face. It was a low quality photo of Taehyung and Yoongi fighting for the phone, the outfit stood out though.

                   "Oh my god, this is it. This is what my life has come to. This is how I die." Taehyung fell on the ground, covering his eyes.

                   "Oh come on you look so cute, I'm sure he will like it" Yoongi softly said, playing with Taehyungs hair.

                   "That's the problem. He's gonna like it a lot more than he should." Taehyung sighed in hopes that they sent the picture to someone else.

                   "He's texting back" Yoongi said, looking back at the phone.

                  "Don't show me" Taehyung turned his head.

                  "He said 'oh my god', 'is that real?', and 'where are you guys?'" Yoongi laughed out.

                  "Please tell him we're at the water park or something" Taehyung got back up and took a peak at the text.

                   "He already knows this is our dorm. Well, you can return the clothes tomorrow, wash them please" Yoongi gave the phone back to Hoseok and started to push Taehyung out the door.

                    "YOONGI PLEASE DONT DO ME LIKE THIS" Taehyung screamed as he got closer to the door. Suddenly, a dreaded knock was heard. Taehyung was about to faint. Yoongi let go of Taehyung and opened the door.

                     "Is Taehyung here?" The voice of the person Taehyung didn't wanna hear spoke. Before Taehyung could run behind Hoseok, Yoongi grabbed his wrist and pulled him right next to him.

                   "Right here chief, you two go ahead and have some fun." Yoongi pushed Taehyung into Jimin with a sly smile.

                   "GO GET YOURSELF SOME DICK TONIGHT" Hoseok shouted before Yoongi shut the door.

   Taehyung wanted to hide as Jimin looked at him like his next meal.

                  "Oh my gosh stop" Taehyung said as he tried to cover his thighs, red tainted his face.

                  "I can't help it, you're so cute," Jimin smiled as he pulled out the dorm key, "so how did this happen?". Taehyung explained the story as they walked into the dorm.

                  "I think you should wear skirts more often, you look so irresistible" Taehyung didn't  like the tone of his voice. How it suddenly went deep and raspy. So, Taehyung gave a nervous laugh,

                  "Yeah..I should probably change now..that I'm here"

                  "Why?" Jimin got closer to Taehyung, he backed up all the way till he hit the wall.

                  "Jimin...I don't..I don't know about this.." Taehyungs breath got shaky as he looked away from Jimin, his face a light pink. Jimin could probably hear his fast heart, scared that he would love the tune. Jimins lips brushed Taehyungs ear,

                    "No one has to know" He whispered gently. All of Taehyungs hairs stood up, he hated how much he craved his voice. Isn't fucking your roommate wrong?. No one will know so it's fine...right?. Taehyungs head filled with thoughts as Jimins hands lingered to his waist.

                   "We're not gonna tell anyone this time, I promise" Jimin softly planted a kiss on Taehyungs jaw. Fuck. Taehyung hesitantly wrapped his arms around Jimins neck as he left pretty kisses all over his bronze skin. Jimin ran his hand all the way down to Taehyungs thigh, squeezing it making Taehyung flinch. Jimins hand wandered in his inner thighs, teasing his sensitive skin by caressing the area. Soft pants and breaths left Taehyungs sweet mouth, his hands scratching at Jimins back.

          "I am never wearing a skirt around you again" Taehyung breathes out, Jimin chuckled.

Both of Jimins hands went up to his thighs, lifting them both up, his hands gripping on his ass. Jimin lifted his head and leaned in to kiss his soft lips. Taehyung opened his mouth, letting Jimins tongue dance till he explored every inch. Taehyungs mind went crazy, he closed his eyes but his sight was still wild. Jimin tasted like a sweet, like strawberry ice cream, smooth and pleasant.

   Jimin walked over to the couch, throwing Taehyung down before planting wet kisses on him again. Taehyung brushed his hands against Jimins jaw, wanting Jimin to devour every piece of him. Jimin broke the kiss and looked at the pretty mess under him, his plump lips red and swollen. He took off his shirt and threw it across the room, going back down to kiss the desperate beauty. One of Jimins hands lingered on Taehyungs thigh while the other went up his crop top. He delicately touched Taehyungs nipple, pinching the bud just to see him whine. He smiled into the kisses, loving how his name slipped carelessly out of his dirty mouth.

   Taehyung threw off the sweater, beads of sweat already going down his face and chest. Jimin kissed Taehyungs neck, biting his skin hard enough to leave pink splotches but not hard enough to leave fang marks. He'll save that for later. Taehyung let soft moans leave his mouth as he fumbled with Jimins sweatpants,

        "Eager aren't we?"Jimin smirked as he helped him take them off,

        "Shut the fuck up" Taehyung whispered.

   Jimin slowly rubbed his clothed dick between Taehyungs groins, leaving a trail of red marks down his chest. Taehyung threw his head back, loving and hating those pretty lips. He gripped onto Jimins hair, pushing him back and against the couch. Taehyung sat on top of him, the kisses were sloppy and wet and desperate.

   Jimins hands went under the skirt, surprised that he had nothing underneath. Taehyungs hand traced Jimins chest as his other one teased his tip by rubbing circles on it. They let low breaths seep into their kisses.

just want y'all to know that I was crocheting while writing this 💀 I made a mango KSHSJSHSJ

P.s. I watched so much porn to write that whole thing out so y'all better thank my ugly ass😌🧴

    P.P.S.....I love u and I'm moving so that's why I wasn't able to upload last week :(( I'll set a reminder so I don't forget in the future.

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