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   "Why does everyone keep staring at us?" Taehyung whispered, walking along the side of the group.

   "I mean as you can see we're all incredibly hot. And now, so many more stares are coming to us because of you" Jimin explained, glancing at Taehyung with his hands in his pockets.

   "Hot? I love your sarcasm. And why am I even being stared at? I'm just ordinary compared to you all" Taehyung wondered, trying to ignore the glances and stares.

    "You're a fucking human. Haven't you read the tales? Monsters like us love humans. We fall for humans hard so seeing one on campus..I don't know man you've probably already stolen millions of hearts just by breathing" Hoseok said holding Yoongis hand.

    "Oh..well I don't think so, I'm not that cute or handsome" Taehyung said stating his truth.

     "Shut the hell up I would die for you this instant...if I didn't have a boyfriend" Namjoon quickly said, eyeing Jin.

      "Honestly same, hes so pretty. Have you heard his heart? I can hear it from here" Jin hummed to the tune of his beating heart.

     "Wait what??" Taehyung stopped in his tracks. They were in a pretty lobby with long walls that hung chandeliers, chairs and tables for students to chill at and long windows that hid behind curtains.

     "Everyone can hear your heart. That's how we know your human. We didn't know back there because everyone was fucking screaming, but I can clearly hear it now." Jin said closing his eyes, moving his finger to what seemed to be the rhythm.

      "That's fucking creepy" Taehyungs hairs stood up. He did not like it for one bit that everyone could hear his heart. When he was sleeping and it was slow, or when he was nervous and it was pacing.

     "Well we think it sounds wonderful" Jin said, the rest of the group agreeing. Taehyung felt like vomiting. His head suddenly becoming dizzy as he tried to calm his heart down for them not to hear.

     "Yo where the fu- freak is your office I swear it never took this long to get there" Jungkook said, stealing a bag of Cheetos from a kid as they walked pass.

     "Don't worry, we're almost there..I think" Jin said leading the group. Taehyung looked around, admiring the different students. They were nothing like humans. Some were tall like towers and some were short like coffee tables, long hair being carried off the ground and no hair at all, rainbow skins shinning prettily under dim lights. As Taehyung was looking at the students, he bumped into a boy that was much more taller than him making him fall on the ground.

    "Watch where you're going bitch" He growled, glancing at Taehyung. Taehyung got up quickly and dusted off his knees.

     "Yes of course I was just watch-"

     "Hey aren't you that human?" He quickly asked, turning fully around to look at Taehyung. His eyes were a deep crimson red and he had long beautiful curly white hair that was being held back out of his face by pins. He wore no shirt exposing his broad tan chest which Taehyung couldn't stop staring at and sweatpants. He looked as if he had just gotten out of the gym.

    "Oh..uhm..yeah" Taehyung nervously said, looking at the ground. He didn't like talking to strangers. It was always awkward and there was always some type of way that he could fuck it up.

    "You're so cute. Well, catch you some other time. Bye" He turned around and waved, leaving to where he was going. Taehyung let go of a deep breath he was holding, and turned around to see the whole group with their jaws dangling.

    "W-What?? Is..something wrong?" Taehyung asked worried.

    "You just talked to Tale... bro..I'm gonna call it first he's cursed" Namjoon pointed at Taehyung, looking at the group.

    "There must have been a catch..maybe he's gonna poison him when he isn't looking" Yoongi rubbed his chin.

     "Maybe we should get out of here before we get more looks" Jin said, pushing the whole group towards the exit.

     "Wait, so who was that guy?" Taehyung finally asked.

     "A dumb whore" Jungkook said, crunching on another one of the puffy Cheetos making dust flying everywhere.

    "Okay Kook, I know you're not allowed to say bad words but you're allowed to say that. Anyways, his names Tale cause he's a fucking tale. You know that "ugly ass witch" that cursed Yoongi? Well it wasn't a witch it was him. He despises our group and we despise his. They're all rats always having a target."

      "And you guys didn't back me away from him?" Taehyung said doing a gesture meaning 'bitch what the fuck'.

      "You're a human, we knew you could get out of there yourself. It's fine" Namjoon said, ruffling Taehyungs soft hair.

      "Finally. We're here....well, almost" Jin searching through his pockets. They were standing outside a metal door with a big lock on it. Jin ruffled out a key and stuck it in. Taehyung was surprised not to see a cool lair but instead a curve of stairs leading down.

      "I forgot we have to do these, hey Tae, you wanna carry me?" Jungkook asked.

      "I'm not that strong" Taehyung smiled, scratching his neck.

      "No no wait" Jungkook stood back, waving his finger. Suddenly, he turned into a fluffy brown bunny in the blink of an eye.

      "OH MY GOD ITS SO CUTE!" Taehyung picked him up. He stared at him for a couple of seconds before Jin called out his name to come in.

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