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   "When are we getting there??? It's been like 30 minutes" Taehyung said annoyed, he was still holding Jungkook tight in his arms as he sniffed and crunched on the rest of his Cheetos.

     "That's why I wanted to be carried. All of you got pRanked Ha!" Jungkook laughed. Taehyung grabbed his Cheeto bag and threw it forcefully on the staircase.

      "No no no what are you doing?? You better go back! TAEHYUNG PLEASE GO BACK. NO!" Jungkook screamed. Taehyung kept going down the stairs behind the group, blocking the sad screams from the bunny.

       "FINALLY!" Jin gasped, running to a door that was at the end of the staircase. Everyone sighed relieved. He took out some keys and opened the door, everyone walked in.

   His lair had large blue metal walls and dark wood floors. He had matching shelves with different sized bottles filled with strange colored liquids and herbs, old dusty books that stacked on top of each other, and a large selection of brooms of different shapes and colors. In the middle of the circle shaped room was a table where everyone sat at. Jimin patted at a red ripped seat next to him that Taehyung was walking towards, setting the bunny back down on the floor. Jungkook transformed back, Taehyung was a bit shocked to see the smiling male.

     "Hold up guys, lemme see what I got in my kitchen. If any of you little shits go inside, I will pierce your soul" Jin warned. Everyone nodded whispering "yes we know" as he left into another room.

     "So, do humans eat chicken?" Namjoon questioned. Everyone looked back curiously at Taehyung.

      "Yes" Taehyung said, wondering if they meant a real chicken or cooked chicken.

       "Then you'll love Jin's cooking. He's the best cook out of all of us, even owns a restaurant somewhere over there" Jungkook smiled, waving his hand lazily over in a random direction.

        "Guys, I've been thinking about it..Taehyung told Tale that he was a human.. what do you think he's gonna do with that info? .I don't know I'm just paranoid." Yoongi breathed, resting his arms on the table.

        "Don't worry, I won't let that whore get him" Jimin smirked glancing at Taehyung.

        "Sure Jimin" Hoseok rolled his eyes.

        "Shut the hell up. You're just jealous that I got a cute human roommate and you have that mess" Jimin hissed looking at Yoongi. Namjoon And Jungkook gasped, looking back and forth between the pair.

         "You better watch your mouth before I rip it off Park Jimin" Hoseok growled standing up, his eyes looking more blood red than usual.

         "You've been lacking your fighting skills ever since Yoongi came along. Has he made you soft? Weak?" Jimin slightly smirked. He threw himself up too, staring deadly into Hoseoks eyes.

        "Park Jimin if you say anything else about Yoongi I'll make you see the light of day" Hoseoks face showed horrible rage making Taehyung even more intimated than he was before. Taehyung scooted his chair back, not liking the scene one bit. Hoseoks wings expanded, making him look more terrifying. The horns on his head looking more sharp and defined.

        "What? You scared I'm gonna hurt his feelings? Or are you scared that it's the blind truth" Jimin said grinning, his sharp teeth showing and his eyes turning deep crimson.

   Hoseok launched at him, his fingers looking unnaturally long as his nails became sharp. Taehyung heard the screams and shouts coming from them, but instead of staring he ran to Yoongi. He grabbed Yoongi and wrapped him hard in his embrace. He walked over to a side of the room that was away from them, crouching Yoongi and him down. Taehyung could barely hear the small sniffles and cries coming from the oh-so-lovely Yoongi.

My Vampire Roommate (vmin)Where stories live. Discover now