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Jin wore a black sweater with pink letters that read "MY BLACKSANTA",paired with clean light blue ripped jeans, white shoes and a black cap.

Namjoon wore a red and black stripped shirt under a smooth leather jacket tucked in black pants being held on by a leather belt. He looked like a three course meal.

Yoongi wore a cute red and black shirt that said "IN LOVE WITH THE DEVIL" tucked in a blood red skirt, fishnets and stainless black boots.

Hoseok wore a big green fluffy jacket zipped up half way with a gray shirt underneath. He had baggy black pants and sandals. He looked very comfy but carelessly gorgeous.

Jungkook wore a moss green bomber jacket with a long white shirt underneath and dirty, ripped blue jeans.

Taehyung wore a black sweater that had a design painted on, paired with silk red overalls topped off with a black fluffy beret.

Jimin has on a white lose shirt that dangerously showed off his collarbones, a black leather jacket that hung off one shoulder, blue dirty ripped jeans, and worn old boots.

Taehyung will say that they all looked pretty badass, his thoughts soon got disturbed by the loud music. They were in a old car that Jungkook found near a dumpster, the outside was a brown rusty copper with light blue paint chipping off. It stunk of iron and grass. The inside wasn't so bad. It had mismatched cushions hiding the torn up seats, a brand new radio which didn't look like it belonged, and a tiny anime plush character hanging from the broken rear view mirror. Everyone was cramped, there was only 5 seats. Yoongi rolled into a ball on Hoseoks lap looking squished, and Jimin turned into a bat comfortably on Tae's palm.

   They all sang along with cracking voices. Jungkook was driving, well...Jin made the car drive on its own with a spell, he didn't trust that Jungkook would take them the right way.

    "Ey fuck it up we're here" Jin said as he turned the volume down.

It was a beautiful modern house, it looked like some monsters from campus had come to the party. The front doors were pouring with creatures. Everyone jumped out of the car, Yoongi and Jimin stretching so far they looked like flexible rulers. They all walked over to the doors, pushing the monsters to get through. Loud music was blasting through the walls, colorful lights hitting every corner of the big room, sweaty body's dancing to the rhythm. The second they walked through the doors everyone split apart. Hoseok and Yoongi flew over the creatures, Jungkook ran past them, Namjoon and Jin went somewhere else and Jimin was already long gone. Taehyung was alone.

        "Keep it together Kim Taehyung, it's not like you needed that stupid vampire anyways" Taehyung thought to himself as he slipped through the crowd. Everyone was looking at him, all eyes glancing. His heart was racing too loud, too hard, too fast. His palms got sweaty, his breathing unstable. Taehyung was never someone that looked appealing, but feeling the cold stares made him want to disappear.

        "Fuck, please calm down there's nothing to be afraid of. You have yourself. Nothing else matters. You're okay." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His anxiety still lingering around his head. He clenched his fist and walked over to a table that had food.

         "Why didn't that dumb vampire stay with me??. He said he would!. I should have never came. This is horrible" Taehyung complained to himself.

   He heard a familiar voice. He turned his head to the left to see Jimin. His face brightened, but before he could walk over to the familiar vampire, he saw Jimins mouth move. There were two girls, Jimins hand was gripped on one of their waist. Taehyungs smile dropped.

     "BRUH THEY GOT FUCKING KOOL-AID!" Taehyung jumped to the voice, turning to see the recognizable bunny serving himself a cup of the red liquid.

      "Oh my god Jungkook! I'm so happy to see you, like you dont understand" Taehyung said, his heart feeling more calmer at the sight of his friend.

       "Weren't you supposed to be with Jimbo?" Jungkook asked, his eyes staying on the snack platters.

       "Oh...uhm yeah..he kinda like left me but it's okay" Taehyung had to scream over the music for Kook to hear.

        "I knew that bloodsucking whore wouldn't take care of you!" Jungkook rolled his eyes, eating sugary cookies off a rosy plate.

       ",and also don't lie to me. I only came here cause I heard your heart and wanted to make sure that you weren't getting stabbed or something. Keep that hoe down, I could hear it over the music" Jungguk added, stuffing the rest of the cookies in his pockets.

       "Yeah sorry, I'm fine don't worry about me"  Taehyung said giving a tight smile with a thumbs up.

        "I'm leaving to find Jimin for you...and also to whoop his ass for having one responsibility and breaking it" Jungkook patted Taehyungs head before disappearing in the crowd.

            Alone again.

All the outfits that I described are actually real looks that you can find them wearing🤩 except yoonies but we can imagine 😔🤟

Also I don't wanna tOt my own horn but I just released a new vmin ff so if you're interested go check it out 🤡 Thank you for all the love and support you give to this story💕 Remember to drink enough water and to get enough rest! I love you uwu

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