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          "IM NOT THAT SICK, STOP!" Taehyung yelled as Jimin drowned him in fluffy blankets.

           "Jinnie said, and also you look so cute and tiny!" Jimin booped Taehyungs nose.

            "Fuck you. I can easily get out of these and slap you in the face so you better watch out." Taehyung stuck out his tongue.

             "Okay, do it" Jimin smirked. He was confident that he wouldn't get out, and it was true. Taehyung couldn't even move his pinky, so he just pouted and looked away while mumbling curse words. Jimin giggled as he fell down next to him. Taehyung felt like a stuffed bear that was owned by a child. He sighed in hopes that the sickness would somehow rise off him.

"I'm gonna puke all over you when you're not looking" Taehyung whispered.

"Do it and I'll whack you"

Taehyung woke up on the same couch, he felt disgusting. His body was sweating from the millions of blankets stacked on him. He wanted to vomit. He slowly threw all the blankets off him and got up, falling back down on the couch.

"Fuck me" Taehyung uttered, he threw his head back, enjoying the cool air from releasing the blankets.

"You're sick, I don't think I can do that now" Jimins voice was heard from the kitchen.

   Taehyung got up from the couch slowly, stumbling a bit before getting himself up. Taehyung felt nauseous as he clenched his stomach. He ran to the bathroom, falling on his knees in front of the toilet. "Disgusting" was the only word that Taehyung could process as he shut his eyes. (A/n I didn't wanna describe him pUkiNg cause that's nasty and some of you might have that phobia of vOmiT so🤠 ur welkum)

Once he was done he fell on the ground. He wanted this all to end. A few seconds later he got up and cleaned himself. He brushed his teeth for what seemed like 4 million years and took a cool shower. He knew Seokjin told him not to be in cold places, but he didn't care. He heard the creak of the bathroom door open and immediately screamed.

"Shush, I'm not gonna look at you, I was just leaving some warm clothes. I don't want you to walk around naked in the cold hallway." Jimin addressed, putting down a clean set of clothes down near the sink. Taehyung didn't move for the rest of the time he was in there, scared that he could see his silhouette. When he heard the door close, he let go of a shaky breath he had been holding.

"Thanks for the clothes" Taehyung walked out into the kitchen. Jimin was taking food out from a bag, he was guessing he ordered postmates.

"I would rather have them off but you're sick and helpless" Jimin grinned as he threw Taehyung a burrito. The food over here was strange, not like the regular 'human' food. Jimin always tried his best on finding human like food to keep Tae reminded of home.

         "Ha ha very funny, shouldn't you be at a party right now?" Taehyung took a fast bite at the breakfast taco, savoring the delicious flavor.

         "Shouldn't you be in class right now?" Jimin added, stabing his fork through something solid and red. Taehyungs eyes widened, he stopped chewing his food and ran to the coffee table for his phone.

          "Relax, it's 9 right now, and I was just kidding. Why are you so fixed on school? It's dumb anyways" Jimin leaned on the kitchen counter and took another bite off the strange food.

          "I don't know. Just, in the world or dimension where I come from it's different. I needed to get good grades and pay attention and never rest. I never lived in this type of fantasy where the weekends were filled with whatever I wanted, I had to do what I needed." Taehyung snagged his phone and walked back to the kitchen counter.

            "Uhh, well I don't really understand but sure. As long as you stick with us, our group, you'll be fine" Jimin smiled and waved his hand. "As long as you stick with us, our group, you'll be fine", the words replied over and over again. Something was wrong. He needed to do something he couldn't remember.

              "Grandma" Taehyungs eyes widen as his jaw dropped. He forgot to call her. He forgot to tell her he landed safely. All these days and he hadn't checked his phone. He was so caught up in this world that he forgot about his own.

              "Oh my god she must be worried sick!" Taehyung went to dial her number, putting the phone up to his ear.

               "Grandma?" Jimin looked at him confused.

                "Please pick up...," Taehyung stood in silence for a second before gasping with a smile, " MA! I'm so sorry I forgot to call you, I know it's been like 10000 years but I'm fine and okay I-". Jimin could hear the person from the other side shouting at him.

                "Yeah...I-" Taehyung sneezed loudly, each time he sneezed Jimin swore a volcano erupted.

               "Hold on Jimin, I'm gonna go into our room don't-" Taehyung paused, "what?!? No! He's my roommate! Yes, we have to share a room!" Taehyung grumbled as he walked over to their room.

    Jimin sighed once he was gone, alone at last. It use to be fun being alone. He could go to the gym, dance, fuck bitches, suck blood, but not anymore. Everything he use to find fun was still pretty fun, but having Taehyung around was much more fun. "Why did Dracula make a ugly ass vampire?, I can even go outside ughhh" Jimin rolled his eyes as he messed with the food on his plate. Taehyung finally came out of the room, his phone hanging out of his pocket.

          "Sorry about that, I just wanted to call her" Taehyung smiled, his nose and cheeks were pinker than usual. "Must be the sickness" Jimin blankly thought.

           "I can't wait for break, everyone's gonna be gone so the school will be ours, unless you're gonna leave too" Jimin put his food away and threw it into the fridge.

           "So you guys have that here too?. I don't know chim, I'm probably gonna go visit my family" Taehyung said, he took another big bite off his cold taco.

             "Nooo! What?? Oh my god I have to be alone here the whole time???" Jimin frowned.

             "Aren't the rest of the boys gonna be here?"

             "Hoseoks going back to hell for a bit since his sisters running the place, and Yoongis probably gonna tag along. Once their done they'll go visit Yoongis family and so on. Namjoon will probably go back into the sea to visit his palace and Jin will go with him. Jungkook...Jungkook will probably stay here and do nothing but watch anime and eat...I'm gonna be all alone" Jimin pouted.

            "Don't you have like...Dracula or something?" Taehyung carefully said. Jimin laughed, "Hes like my great great grandpa, I don't wanna visit him. He accidentally walked in on me while I was having a threesome...that shit scared him and me for life so...it would be best not to see him..." Jimin shuddered.

            "ew" Taehyung made a disgusted face and put down his taco, his appetite suddenly gone.

            "Sorry" Jimin patted Taehyungs back. Taehyung got up and left to bathroom, the only safe place.



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