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"Ah, so this is the dance room" Taehyung wowed, walking into the big empty room. The walls were mirrors, the flooring was light maple wood, and there was metal railing all along the walls. Jimin ranted to him about the place as they walked over there, he didn't know Jimin liked this type of stuff.

"Yup. This is where I spend most of my time while you're asleep." Jimin proudly said as he crossed his arms.

"You dance?? You have to show me" Taehyung thrilled, giving a beautiful beaming box smile to Jimin.

"I'm not that good, don't put your expectations high" Jimin laughed.

"I don't care! I'll probably still love it" Taehyung confesses sitting down in the corner of the room, looking at Jimin with the prettiest eyes.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you" Jimin said taking out his phone. He prepared a song before he put it on a laptop that was conveniently open. The song was 'YOUTH' by Troye Sivan. Taehyung was surprised by the song choice but instead of speaking, he kept his eyes on Jimin walking to the middle of the room.

It was silent for a moment before the music started, Taehyung anticipating what his roommate would do. Jimin started, and as free and slick as a fox his moves were utterly perfect.

   The world around them was gone and only the sound of music chanting their ears and the beauty in front of Taehyungs eyes is what kept him in all. Jimins moves were beautiful, he hit every note so perfectly that he looked like a doll in a music box.

   It looked as if beautiful colors were seeping through him, their worries disappeared with each turn he took.

   Taehyung was so into the song that he was surprised when it had ended, seeing a breathless Jimin standing perfectly frozen for the last note. Taehyung was left with his jaw dropped to the ground, Jimin smiled and bowed.

"That...that was beautiful Park Jimin" Taehyung uttered.

"Oh shush, I messed up in the end" Jimin said breathless.

"You were beautiful, fucking perfect" Taehyung said getting up and walking up to him.

"Uhh...sure" Jimin smiled, raising a brow.

"We should dance sometime, maybe you could teach me" Taehyung smirked.

"Tae you're perfect at everything, I don't think you'll need my help" Jimin confessed,  walking over to the laptop.

"Well, maybe I just want to dance with you" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Are..are you saying you WANT to dance with ME?" Jimin laughed.

"Yeah, maybe I fucking do sherlock" Taehyung walked out of the room.

Jimin laughed as he ran behind Taehyung, trying to keep up with him.

"Yeah let's dance right now" Jimin gave a smirk as he reached his hand out, Taehyung was about to take it until he pulled it back,

                "You're trying to trick me! Fuck off Jimin, I'm not losing this bet"

   Jimin laughed as he ran his fingers through his semi-wet hair.

"You're way too-" Jimin was cut off by Taehyungs sudden pull as he pushed them into the janitors room.

"What the f-"

Taehyung covered Jimins mouth with his sweater paws, the sound of Taehyungs racing heart was enough to stop his words. The sound of mumbling was outside, it sounded like someone unfimilar.

They heard the chattering and clacking until it had completely disappeared. They looked at each other as they let go of the breaths they were holding in. They realized what tiny of a spot they were cramped in, their faces inches apart and legs tangled together.

"What happened" Jimin whispered.

"Some student that keeps on making weird remarks at me. I was just scared okay give me a break!." Taehyung squealed,

Jimin held in a laugh, "Scared of them?. I'm here with you cutie, if they want to touch or say anything to you I'm gonna have to beat their headass first"

Taehyung and Jimin bursted into laughter,

           "Like you'd actually do that" Taehyung said between giggles.

            "Since you think I'm lying, let's go find out where they're going. I bet their still around the corner" Jimin smiled.

"No way am I letting us both get into that situation. What if he sees us?" Taehyung protested.

"He won't, it'll be fun. Trust me."

"Nope, we are not doing that sh-"

Jimin rolled his eyes and opened the door, peeking his head out.

"Oh my go-"

"It's fine. You can wait in this closet as I go and have fun without you since you're acting like a-"

Taehyung pushed open the door and walked quietly towards the talking, Jimin smiled and walked closely behind. They stayed behind a wall, the talking no longer there.

THIS FF REACHED 1K READS THANK U SO MUCH :(((💖💖 I fr appreciate and love every single one of y'all so much thank u for supporting this fanfic😔💖also omg this era got me 👨🏼‍🦲💖 i love you pls take care of yourself 💜

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