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"But..dont you think that Jimin might...like LIKE you?" Y/n slowly said, Taehyung chuckled loudly at his/her comment. They were picking out skirts, not sure which ones Yoongi would like.

"Him, like me?. Gosh, you have no idea how he is. He fucks everyone, he definitely doesn't like me. As I said before, no feelings were involved" Taehyung shrgged as he explained. Y/n sighed,

"Kook, have you found a skirt yet?"

"I don't know if it will fit Yoongo, can one of you try it on?. I bet you can fit into it" Jungkook gave a sneaky smile at Y/n.

"What?. No way I'm putting that on!" Y/n hissed back, Taehyung laughed at their silliness.

"Oh come on! Once you try it on we can leave!" Jungkook pouted. Y/n rolled his/her eyes and yanked the skirt out of Guks hands, marching to the fitting room.

"Ooooh you wanna see him/her in a skirt!" Taehyung teased.

"Ooooh I wonder why were getting it in the first place!" Jungkook laughed, Taehyung started to beat him up behind the racks.

"Look, here's your hot Cheetos and skirt. You're welcome you goblin" Taehyung threw the items on Yoongis face.

"Why does Kook have a purple eye? Is he okay?" Yoongi squinted at Jungkook who was smiling behind Taehyung.

"Yeah he just fell down the stairs" Taehyung lied with a proud smile.

"Hmm okay. My lips are sealed. Bye losers" Yoongi shut the door in their faces.

       "I wanna hang out with Yoonji so I'm gonna let you guys be" Taehyung said. He had grown a strong friendship with Yoonji, they have a lot of stuff in common and she's actually a sweetheart. The Min's are a very complicated family, everyone could say that. Tough on the outside but fluffy and soft on the inside.

         "Alright. Bye Tae!" They waved goodbye as they went opposite directions.

   Taehyung knocked on the door, waiting patiently as he heard shouts and loud bangs before she opened it. She was wearing gray shorts and a white crop top, her hair was messy and in a cute tiny ponytail. Her wings were prettily folded behind her back. Smoke left her dorm room as she pulled Taehyung inside.

      "What's up" Yoonji smiled. Her dorm had gray clouds floating in the air, it smelled of herbs. She must've hotboxed it. The room was dirty and dim, all lights were off except purple ones that sticked to the side of walls, one of the windows was opened as she tried to fan the smoke outside.

       "What's with all the smoke?" Taehyung waved his hand around, trying to help her get it out the window.

        "I was just smoking crack...just kidding, my roommate was smoking this new plant she found, I swear the smoke was pink. It was really pretty. She's gone now though, left me with all the mess" Yoongi explained. After many minutes of waving, the smoke lifted leaving only a bit behind.

"Why did you come?, Is it because I stole your pen?" Yoonji crosses her arms, looking towards Taehyung.

"No, just missed you" Taehyung smiled. Yoonji squinted her eyes at him,

"Hmm...and that's all?" She rubbed her chin as she walked towards her gray couch, her eyes not leaving Taehyung.

"Okay, you caught me. I don't wanna be near my roommate right now. There's just a lot of..." Taehyung tried to find the word, moving his hand back and forth,

"Tension?" Yoonji spoke and Taehyung snapped his finger with a smile, falling down on the couch right next to her.

"Yeah, tension"

"Why?" She turned on the TV and put it on mute, scrolling through the bright channels. The light of the TV bounced beautifully off their porcelain skin, the colors gorgeously complementing every feature.

"Well...we...I kind of..okay well.." Taehyung couldn't find the right words, so he took off his hoodie. Yoonji backed up at first, but her jaw dropped once she saw the love bites going further and further down.

"You and...AND JIMIN FUCKED?" She shouted the last words, her eyes wide as she hesitantly got closer.

"Oh my god and they look fresh. He left you marked like his territory dude. No no no Tae, this isn't right" Taehyung frowned at her words,

"What do you mean? You're making me worried Yoonji"

"Look, Jimin is a sweet guy and everything but, he messes with EVERYONE. Taehyung, how could you get yourself wrapped up in this? Did you at least tell him no? Oh my god did you not give consent? Because if not I'll go over there and beat the-"

"No Yoonji, it's fine. We..wanted to do it. I mean it means nothing to him so it means nothing to me. I did it just because." Taehyung slipped the hoodie back on, pulling on the strings to try and hide himself.

"Okay Tae, you can stay here and we can have a sleepover or something...you wanna paint each other's nails?.." Yoonji softly said, glancing at Taehyung. He came here to get his mind off things, and that's exactly what she's gonna do.

"Oh my god! Yes!" Taehyungs boxy smile flashed at her, she returned a gummy smile as she headed into her room for nail polish.

"So...anyone you've been interested in?" Taehyung asked as Yoonji was concentrated on painting a layer of black nail polish on his index finger.

"Hmm...well..there is this girl but she likes this guy I also liked last year, it's pretty complicated but I could easily secure the bag" Yoonji laughed as she smuged a bit of paint on his finger.

"So...are you going to?" Taehyung smiled curiously.

"I don't know. It's hard being loved by everyone, I bet you could relate. Im not being cocky or anything..but the love eyes are everywhere. Literally everyone in this school would bend down for you as fast as thunder" Yoonji rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Tell me about it. Do you know how scary it is being a weak ass human with these tough creature?. Ugh, sucks the life outta me" Taehyung blowed on his finished hand, admiring the glossy black against his tan skin.

"When Yoongi first introduced me to the guys, they all fell head over heels, and I deadass beat them all up. They were all sweet afterwards but damn, don't just do me like that, you know?. Sometimes, I just want normal guy friendships, but it sucks ass when they start to fall. It kinda ruins everything. I don't know, I sound dumb" Yoonji started to paint Tae's thumb.

"Yeah, shits tough" Taehyung leaned back on the couch. He had his legs crisscrossed while Yoonji had them spread on the couch, their different personalities shining through.

"Can you paint mine next once yours are done drying?"


it's 5:59 am and I can't fall asleep bc I took the fattest nap during the day so I might just pull an all nighter🤡

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