33. BOnUs😎

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   A/n as I promised, a peak into the future 🤰 (it's also longer than I'd usually make them so)

"Stay covered up, I don't want you to burn!" Taehyung frowned as he placed sunglasses on Jimin.

"I'll be fine, I've gone out a numerous amount of times when you told me not to" Jimin smiled, and received a light punch on the side of his arm.

"Meanie" Taehyung pouts, crossing his arms and looking out the window.

They were currently in a uber, in the 'human world'. The world where tons of humans exist and don't believe in dumb myths like zombies or mermaids. Even though monsters are dangerously attracted to humans, Jimin didn't seem to bulge. He truly did believe that Taehyung was the prettiest thing he had ever set eyes on. Though he did catch the smell of blood a couple of times, leading him to get very distracted.

"We're here" The driver said, pulling up to a small lovely house. They both thanked the man as Taehyung handed him a tip. Jimin helped Taehyung take out their suitcases from the back, the uber quickly leaving once they finished.

They both stood silently on the sidewalk, staring at the home. Jimin gulped. There was a reason they were in the human world. A reason that made the overly confident Jimin, terrified. He had been putting it off for two years, ever since they got together.

He was gonna meet Taehyungs grandparents, the people who had raised him.

Taehyung grabbed Jimins hand, glancing at him, "Don't be nervous, they'll love you"

With the reassurance of Taehyung boxy smile, Jimin was ready to face anything. They walked up the steps to the home, and Taehyung rang the doorbell. Immediately when he did, Jimin wanted to blast.

"Taehyung....Im gonna die" Jimin whispered, somehow out of breath.

"No you're not" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Probably. Kiss me for good measure" Jimin quickly turned to face his boyfriend, but when he leaned in to steal a kiss the door flew open. Jimin gasped as he pretended to hug Taehyung.

"Grandma!" Taehyung threw Jimin to the side and rushed to hug his beloved grandmother.

Jimin stood there awkwardly as the two stayed hugging each other for a couple of minutes. He slowly brought the luggage in and stepped into the house himself.

"How have you been dear?" The sweet lady asked, staring up at Taehyung with glossy eyes.

"Good. I brought someone that you've been wanting to meet for awhile.." Taehyung smiled as his arm waved at Jimin. Jimin turned red for many many reasons.

The sweet lady had a pretty dress on and Taehyung wore breezy clothes, while Jimin was covered head to toe. A beanie, sunglasses, scarf, coat, boots, pants, long sleeve, gloves, and a umbrella just in case. Very embarrassing in his eyes.

"Ah, so you're the Park Jimin Taehyungie talks all about" She smiled.

"Hahhahahahah yup." Jimin tightly smiled as he walked over to shake her hand. Instead, she pulled him in for a hug.

Taehyungs grandpa was asleep in their bedroom, so they made sure not to wake him up. His grandmother wanted to show them her garden, saying the sun wasn't too hot to bring a whole umbrella out...but Taehyung and Jimin thought otherwise.

"We actually own a farm that will later be passed on to Taehyung. But, since we can't really go anywhere now a days the farm is mostly abandon. How about you two boys check it out tomorrow morning? I'll give you the keys" Grandma smiled. Her smile reminded Jimin of Taehyungs. She was awfully pretty in his eyes.

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