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Taehyung woke up in his bed. He rubbed his eyes, remembering that Yoonji had almost killed him. He turned his body to the side, there was a note and a juice box on his nightstand. He grabbed the note and opened it,

Aye Tae Bae. So you discombobulated on me while we was flyin and I fr thought you died till I checked your pulse. I decided to leave you at your dorm, Jimin wasn't there so I dragged you all the way to your bed. Have some apple juice and never return to the store I took you to :)
Love from your best bitch,
A̶p̶p̶l̶e̶s̶a̶u̶c̶e̶ ̶;̶)̶ Yoonji

Taehyung smiled as he took the carton and poked the straw through the hole. He took a sip and it made him nostalgic. Remembering home and all his friends, remembering the trails he would walk everyday and all the tiny children running and playing. Thank you Yoonji. He then remembered he was in his dorm, fuck you Yoonji.

"Jiminie, are you here?" Taehyung shouted, no one answered. He was still gone. Taehyung was guessing a party, but who would go to a party when they had school tomorrow?.

   He would probably show up in the morning, Taehyung suddenly got excited to finally see his face. It's been one and a half days but Tae still misses him. Before going to bed, Taehyung washed up and changed clothes, wishing that tomorrow would be a better day.

Taehyung woke up late. He got up with a blast and looked at the time, it was still 9:45, he still had time. He got out of bed and into the restroom to do what he normally did.

After getting out, he realized something was missing. He put on his clothes and searched for something he didn't even know. Oh. Jimins nagging and annoyance. So...his presence.

"Jimin. Are you here?" Taehyung yelled as he went into the kitchen. No one. He went back to his room in search of his phone, he hadn't opened it up in days. He had over 230 notifications. Some of them were from the group, some of them from school and social media, but the rest were from Jimin. He had called him over 52 times and blew up his messages. His phone had been on silent, surprised that Jimin actually took the time to press call. He took his time to look at the messages,


Tae where are you
WoAh iM eAtiNg uR laSaGna iF yOu
dOnT cOmE bAck rN
I'm so alone
Istg if I see ur ugly ass say sumn in our
gc n u ain't responding to my text I'm gonna
be M A D
everyone says they don't know where you are :(
Imma start to cry 😔
jk 😔
Guk said that he was with u a few hours
Did someone kidnap you
TAaee :( I'm sad come hold me
tAEeEe if I said anything weird I didn't mean it 😔 pls come back to me
Where are u sleeping?
I'm worried :(((((
if this is abt us?..it never happened :(
I promise
Pls respond w even a "." just to
make sure ur ok

And the text go on and on, Taehyung smiled and giggled at them, but he also wanted to sob onto his phone. Jimin probably stayed over at someone's dorm, Taehyung thought as he slipped the phone back into his pocket. He threw himself back on his bed, grabbing his covers and squeezing them.

   Suddenly, Taehyung remembered he had class. He got up again and threw his backpack over his shoulder. Another day of this wonderful hell, he thought.

   Taehyung spent his classes slipping away. He just daydreamed and blocked all the noise out, thinking about a particular someone. Somehow, his disgustingly cute giggle was stuck in his head. ew.

     "Taaeeeeeeeeeee" Yoonji poked at his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

     "Yes?" He leaned on one hand.

      "You didn't even listen to what I just said" Yoonji grumbled as she rolled her eyes.

      "Yes I did" Taehyung smiled, he really didn't.

      "Then what was the last thing I said?" Yoonji gave him a death stare.

      "'You didn't even listen to what I just said'" Taehyung smirked. Yoonji threw her red pen at his face.

   When Taehyung came to the dorm, instead of usually sleeping he decided to stay up and wait for his annoying roommate. He studied and completed work during that time so he felt like he wasn't waiting for paint to dry. Hours and hours flew by, nothing. Taehyung didn't even notice how fast the time flew because of his assignments. There was still no vampire in sight.

   It was already 10:13 when his phone buzzed. Is Jimin still in classes? I remember he told me had had them at night. As he let the thought stay in his mind, he quickly grabbed it his phone, throwing his pencil down on the stacks of notes. He smiled as he saw from who it was from.


can you meet me in the same place you sang me that song?
Don't worry, you won't get lost this time
I promise

   Taehyung raised a brow at the text, looking out of the window to see the pretty dark sky. He shut his laptop and typed a response before throwing it back in his pocket, grabbing his dorm keys and heading out.

I miss you

yall there's one chapter left I-

I want to say thank u for supporting this ff :(( it means so much to me like fr. I can't believe it got over 4K views like 🤡 so I wanna say thanks and I love u, pls take care of yourselves💕💖💖💕

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