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   "Babe? Are you okay?" Yoongis voice was suddenly heard, he was holding two plastic cups that contained strange colored fluids. Hoseok looked up and threw himself a Yoongi, making him spill the drinks on his green jacket.

        "I thought you left me" Hoseok said relived.

         "I was gone for 4 minutes you baby" Yoongi sighed.

         "Please don't ever leave me babe. I'm so sorry I love you so much" Hoseok said planting kisses all along Yoongis cheek.

         "Why the sudden change? Drop it Hoseok, you know why I'm mad and what you did" Yoongi rolled his eyes as he pushed Hoseok, throwing the empty cups at him.

         "JUNG HOSEOK" a unfamiliar voice came out of the crowd. The creature made its way to them by pushing everyone out of their way, it was a girl. It was... Yoongi? But isn't Yoongi right next to Hose-...oh it's his twin, Min Yoonji if I remember correctly?.

         "IF YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER ONCE MORE I WILL CLAIM HELL TONIGHT" Yoonji flared, pointing a strong finger at Jung Hoseok.

          "Oh..haha h-hi Yoonji" Hoseok said backing away from her and Yoongi.

         Everyone could agree with Hoseok, she looked like she could kill anyone with her stare.  She had short black hair that brushed her neck slightly, a silver septum piercing, mom jeans that were cuffed at the ankles, a big black crop top, a little gold necklace and feathered wings tucked on her back daring to draw out. Everyone could easily say she was gorgeous, even with the flames that expressed her face.

"Oh my god Yoonji stop you're embarrassing me!" Yoongi grumbled through his teeth.

"He kissed you when he clearly knows not to touch you. Absolutely disgusting" She scowled, scrunching up her nose and expressing a disgusted face.

"We've been together for over 400 years, he's done more then kissing Yoonji. Please just drop this" Yoongi said rubbing his temple.


"I'm about to puke, how could you let HIM touch YOU." Yoonji gagged and pretend to barf.

"You know what? I'm ending this all tonight, Hoseok I challenge you!. If I win you never get to see my precious brother again!, if I lose you get to rip the wings off my back and end me, is that a deal?" Yoonji said with a slight smirk, sticking out her hand towards Hoseok.

Jin, Joon, Jimin, Tae and even Kook who showed up awhile ago with caramel popcorn, were just staring with amusement. They weren't really in a rush and even if they were they would've probably still stayed to watch.

"Oh my god what!!? No! Are you insane?. Yoonji I'm old enough to make my own decisions!. If I didn't want to be with this bitch of a demon then I wouldn't have let him take me to the depths of hell!" Yoongi blurred out, slapping Yoonjis and Hoseoks reaching hand.

"By the depths of hell he means tHIS DICK" Hoseok hollered.

"You better shut the fuck up before I break up with you" Yoongi uttered as he hit Hoseoks chest.

"Alright then, I'll mind my business, but if I ever find that goblin of yours touching you someplace I don't like, I'm chopping his dick off" Yoonji stated. A group of creatures appeared behind her, one of them leaning on her shoulder.

"Well sucks for you cause I've already touched every part of him, bitch" Hoseok smiled flipping her off.

Yoonji stared at him with disbelief

"Hey isn't that your brother and that demon you hate?" The boy right next to Yoonji said, she hit him with her elbow indicating 'bitch stop they gonna know I'm talkin shit'

"Hoseok, you're sleeping on the kitchen counter tonight. Don't talk to me tonight or tomorrow." Yoongi said walking towards the exit with his arms crossed, the rest of the group followed him as the pleading demon was under his feet begging for forgiveness.

The rest of the way back it was quiet, the sound of the air conditioning filling in the empty space. Yoongi turned into a cat and laid peacefully on Taehyungs lap as Jimin was a bat and kept staring at him. Every time Taehyung stared back Jimin pretended he was focused on something next to him or behind him. Weird.

"Finally! Dorm sweet dorm" Taehyung stretched his back as he stepped into the fimilar place, pleased by the space.

"I'm gonna go sleep, don't make too much noise okay?" Taehyung started to walk over to the hallway but was stopped by a smiling Jimin,

"It's the weekend, we have to go explore. I can show you some nice places before you head on over to dream land or wherever you fly to when you're asleep" Jimin suggested. Taehyung groaned loudly and thought for a second,

"Okay, just let me change" Taehyung was half asleep but he owed Jimin his life, he also needed to clear his head . He went into their room and grabbed a random hoodie with sweats. He splashed water on his face before running back to an impatient Jimin who was spread on the couch.

"Are you done yet?" Jimin groaned, he had already done everything Taehyung could have done in one second. Taehyung stumbled out of the bathroom with a nod.

omg we almost have 100 votes thank u so much I don't want to make this cheesy but I greatly appreciate all the love and support you guys give to this fanfic💖💖 anyways thank u for reading I love you uwu (I re uploaded this after I noticed many mistakes I apologize)

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