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        *****TRIGGER WARNING*****
           I just felt the need to do this,
               you have been warned.

Taehyung walked over to Jimin and Jungkook, sitting in the space between them.

"Yeah...I've been to many parties. My last one was horrible. So, yes I am scared" Taehyung mumbled, giving a weak smile.

"Oooh let's hear what happened! Tell us!" Jungkook said, leaning closer to Taehyung.

"Nah its a boring story, pretty sure you guys wouldn't care" Taehyung assumed. It's not that the story was boring, he just didn't wanna tell.

"Nope, he's totally hiding something. Taehyung it's cool, you can tell us" Namjoon smiled.

  "It's okay if you don't want to, but we have so many hours left till the party, we might as well share our experiences. We would get to know each other better than we already do" Jin requested. Taehyung sighed,

"Fine, I'll tell you guys"

All of them huddled closer, ready to hear this "boring" story. Hoseok even woke up just to listen.

"Well, it all started with my friend inviting me to this party. She said she didn't want to go alone for many reasons and said that she would also confess her love to this girl she met in her chemistry class. Me, being the idiot that I was, happily said yes. I just wanted to see her confess and if it didn't work out I would be there to comfort her. Anyways, we arrived to this party and I could already tell I was gonna dread it. It was packed full with students, their were also drugs which I love to not be apart of. But, I suddenly lose her in the crowd right when we stepped in. Since she's the one that gave me a ride, I couldn't leave. So I wonder around trying to find her and it was absolutely horrible. I was getting grinded on by random people, and others tried to kiss me and offer me weird liquids!. I wasn't having it with these intoxicated people. Anyways, I found my friend but she was already making out with the other girl, I just watched until they went into a room together ALONE so I knew I was fucked. As I was about to turn around this guy fucking grabbed me and kissed me. I was so confused cause it was happening so fast, I tried to get him off which I did. He kept on coming for more and I was telling him politely to back away, he just wouldnt listen!. It was awfully disgusting, and that is a reason I no longer participate in parties." Taehyung explained. Everyone had their mouths open, was it that surprising?. He suddenly turned pink.

"Oh my god" the words escaped out of Jins mouth.

"Whoever fucking touched you I will beat them to the fucking ground and drag them to hell" Hoseok said, sitting up.

"It's not that bad, I dont think they did it to hurt me. Maybe they were hurt so they wanted to take it out on someone. You never know what someone went through, so it's fine." Taehyung addressed. He was suddenly regretting telling them, not because they would beat the guy up but because he hadn't realized how much it actually hurt him. He remembered how he felt when he tasted the cheap alcohol on his nasty lips, the bruises he left on his neck. He felt like crying.

"My precious baby, I'm so sorry," Jimin said, wrapping his arms around Taehyung ",whoever did this I will find them and murder them"

"It's fine, really" Taehyung informed giving a hopeful smile as he leaned into Jimins hug. He didn't want to say it, but he really needed it. It was nice.

"Were still going. How about one of us always stays by your side so nothing happens?" Joon offered.

"No, you guys wouldn't have fun. It would be like babysitting." Taehyung claimed, sighing a smile.

"I'll do it" Jimin turned his head to face Taehyung, holding back a small smile.

"Okay great, let me just check my WATCH real quick...." Hoseok said, rolling his sleeve up to show off his gold Rolex, "uhh...oh, it's 6:33"

"How did you and Joon meet?" Taehyung asked Jin. They still had time, and he was curious.

"It's a long story and I bet these hoes have heard it over a million times but, I don't know..I find it kinda romantic." Jin sang.

"Just say it, we have all the time in the world" Jungkook sighed, sprawling like a starfish on the fluffy carpet they were under.

"All right, I'll try to keep it short. This was a long time ago, I'm talking about a few 1000 years ago possibly...I think I'm not sure. All I know was that I was young and so was Joon. Okay, so my ugly ass needed to collect some stuff for potions and one of them was 'The sand of the sea'. Now, being the extra bitch that I am I decided to go into the ocean to collect it. I went knees high so I could get the best sand instead of the one on shore. As I was about to get the sand from under my feet, I started to hear singing. It was so beautiful I had to stop to hear. It was a siren, I didn't know that at the moment so I kept listening. The voice was so enchanting, my mom warned me about them, but I thought they weren't in those parts so I didn't worry. My handsome self was so wrapped into the voice that it had consumed me, I could no longer control my own body. All I wanted was that voice. So, I threw myself into the sea, and the creature took hold of me. It dragged me into the ocean, farther and farther down, till I couldn't breath. Then, my savior arrived! Well, I thought it was another siren ready to munch on this ass. When I saw the other 'siren' arrive, I fainted. I soon woke up on the shore, Joon was right next to me. I of corse screamed and hit him thinking it was the siren. To make things short, we started to talk everyday. I always met him by the shore since he couldn't walk. One day he confessed his feelings for me and it was so cute, I said yes and we banged into the sunset. Nah just kidding, we were pretty shy about it at first but soon we both came to love each other very very much. So, for his birthday I made him a potion in which he can turn human when he's not in water." Jin ended the story with a big smile on his face.

  "What a fun story" Hoseok yawned.

"Fuck you it was cute" Jin proclaimed, crossing his arms.

"It's 7:10, we should start leaving" Yoongi said, caressing his boyfriends face with his delicate hands.

"Well I thought it was a very interesting story" Taehyung smiled getting up. Everyone had such complex stories on how they met their lovers, Taehyung wondered how his would begin.

Thank you for having patience w this chapter, school has been beating me up a lot more than usual so I'm pretty busy. I have said before that all the chapters were completed, but their really bad so I have to take my time and rewrite them. Anyways, thank you for all the love you give this fanfic, I appreciate it immensely💕💕
Remember to get enough rest, drink water and try to love yourself💖💖

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