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   Taehyung saw the crowd get bigger right when Kook left. He moved away from the food table and into a corner. Taehyung couldn't even call a Uber this time. He had to stay. He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the wall. Forgetting everything for just one moment.
Suddenly, he felt a cold, firm grasp on his arm. Startled, he opened his eyes to see Tale. Taehyung sighed with relief..?

"What's up? I didn't know you were the type to come to a party" He smiled.

"I'm not, but my friends forced me here" Taehyung smiled back.

"Oh, that's..nice? Are you enjoying it?" He took a long gulp from his red plastic cup, Taehyung just stared.

"Uhm..actually no, I'm not. Like..at all" Taehyung confesses, scratching the back of his head. Yes, he knew it was wrong talking to Tale, but maybe he wanted to get Jimin mad.

"Aww, what a pity. I don't know why your friends dragged you here, you're too pretty to be at a party like this" He laughed out. Oh my god wHAT, Taehyung blushed.

"Pretty? Not even close" Taehyung chuckled out.

"Oh shut up, you're perfect. You're definitely the most beautifulest person in this party. By the way, why are you even alone? Didn't you say your friends dragged you here?" Tale started to lean on the wall next to Taehyung, he didn't mind.

"Well one of them was supposed to stay by my side but as you can tell they didn't quite do that." Taehyung sighed.

"Damn, what an asshole." Tale tsked. Taehyung nodded,

"Let's go get drinks, Im already out" Tale said with a sweet smile. Is it just me or...is he kinda cute? Shit.

Tale insisted that Taehyung should drink a bit, saying that we was too tense and that he needed to let loose. Taehyung finally gave in, regretting it immediately. The drink was strong, making him scrunch up his nose.

"You okay?" Tale raised a brow.

"Definitely, lets go dance" Taehyung smiled.

Taehyung danced freely, not caring who was watching. Yes, he was a bit buzzed. I mean, would sober Taehyung be wilding with his friends enemy?.

"You look really pretty" Tale smiled

"What are you tryna do here mister?" Taehyung squinted.

"I'm drunk" He laughed

"I'm buzzed" Taehyung smiled.

Suddenly, Taehyungs world became dark. He felt someone garb his hand, the tight grip from a monster. Taehyung fought back, trying to slip loose. What's happening?? Where are they taking me?? Where's Tale?. Taehyungs mind filled with questions. He saw the silhouette get close, heat pressed on his lips. Flashbacks of what happened went through his head. He couldn't see quite clear, everything looked blotchy and blurry. Taehyung pulled away,

        "Let me go" Taehyung firmly said. The man didn't say a word, but instead started to drag Taehyung near a door. Taehyung screamed, his heart was pacing, about to jump out of his chest.

        "Please let me go" Taehyung cried. He didn't know what was happening, it's like no one could hear his heart anymore, it's as if he was gone.

        "LET ME FUCKING GO" Taehyung choked. He tried to jerk his wrist back, but it was a monster, he couldn't compete. Tears weld up in his eyes. He hit hard at the mans back but nothing seemed to work as he kept dragging him into a dark, scary room. He shut his eyes so hard that the tears started to fall down his rosy plump cheeks.

    Where the rough hand once held was now cold, he opened his eyes to see Jimin standing in front of him, only seeing his back.

         "Don't ever fucking touch him again" Jimin growled. The monster was staring at Jimin,

"So what? He was so sad, didn't you say you were gonna protect him? See what could've happened to your 'precious Taehyung'" The monster snickered. Jimin was about to shout something when the man disappeared in the crowd once more.

         "Taehyung, im so sorry" Jimin softly said, turning around to meet Taehyungs eyes. Taehyung had his sweater paws to his face, covering his puffy eyes and nose.

         "Teahyung I'm sorry I didn't stay with you, I'm such a fucking idiot" Jimin said, his hands hesitantly wrapping around Taehyungs wrist. He slowly brought down his hands. Taehyung was looking down, scared that if they locked eyes he'd break down. Why did he have to be weak? Why did he have to be a stupid human that needed assistance?.

           Jimin brought his hand up and wiped the cruel tears away.

            "How did you find me?" Taehyungs soft voice broke.

            "I heard muffled screams, I kept hearing them until I finally decided to follow it. Looks like he put some type of spell on you so no one could see or hear you. I saw you because I kept banging on this weird clear barrier until I broke it." Jimin softly spoke.

            "Jimin, I don't want to be here anymore..can we please go?" Taehyung asked finally looking up. Jimin fell weak for his eyes, how they looked like drizzling, glossy honey, lined by delicate, long, dark brown lashes that fluttered, so innocent and precious. How could he say no?.

             "Alright cutie, but you aren't leaving my sight" Jimin exclaimed before he grabbed Taehyungs hand in his. He jolted when Jimin squeezed it.

              "Okay let's find the others" Jimin said leading Taehyung through the crowd. His heart seemed stable, much more than before at least. Namjoon and Jin were dancing with the rest of the creatures.

             "We're leaving, I can explain later but we have to go" Jimin shouted at Jin and Joon.

             "Already? We literally just came! What's the big rush?" Jin shouted,  stopping his movement. He analyzed Taehyung, his expression going soft.

             "Okay will leave, but you better explain why in the car" Jin said grabbing Namjoons hand.

             "Do you know where Hoseok and Yoongi are?" Jimin questioned.

              "Yeah they're in the corner of the room let's go" Namjoon said leading the way.


   Hoseok was sitting alone at a tall table. He was on his phone, pressing hard on the buttons. His expression didn't look too kind.

            "Hoseok we're leaving. Where's Yoongi? Tell him we gotta go." Jin said.

   Hoseok didn't respond, instead he kept typing. His eyes showed flames of deadly fires.

            "Hoseok, we gotta go we'll explain in the car. Just get Yoongi" Jimin said annoyed. Hoseok kept quiet and suddenly darted into the crowd of monsters.

           "Hoseok where are you going?!"

   They all chased after Hoseok. He stood by the table where the food was, like he was expecting something to be there.

            "Hoseok are you okay?" Jin asked getting close. Hoseok breathing got sharp, Taehyung could see his hands turn longer, nails looking sharper.

           "Hoseok what the fuck happened?" Jimin asked cautiously.

What's wrong with Hoseok?
Who was the monster leading Taehyung into a room?
wHo kNows lmAo🤡
Also, sorry if this chapter was bad I didn't edit it skshsj I love u pls take care of yourself🥰🥰

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