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   Taehyung opened the front doors of the school, heading into the forest without any direction. I won't get lost huh? Lets see about th- Taehyungs thoughts snapped when his eyes caught a trail of rose petals going deep into the forest. He smiled and rolled his eyes, following the cheesy trail.

   After some walking, he noticed that last few petals were yellow. He picked one up to find out it was a potato chip. He chuckled as he placed it back on the forest floor.

   He went through the sharp and rustling leaves to get to the cliff. There sat a pretty vampire on the ledge, looking out into the dark blue sky.

       "Cute trail" Taehyung smiled as he went over to sit next to Jimin. His expression was first shocked, then confused, then it turned into a cute grin.

        "I ran out of roses, okay?" They both let low laughs that scared the nearby birds.

        "Where have you been?" Jimin asked, his voice sounding more relaxed. Shouldn't I be asking you that?.

        "Away" Taehyung simply said. Jimin hummed a response.

        "Why did you wanna come up here?" Taehyung looked at Jimin this time. His expression seemed unreadable.

        "Just to look at the moon" Jimin lied. He wanted to detangle his twisted heart, he thought Taehyung had some part in wrapping it up.

       "So you called me all the way out here to just look at a shining globe?. We can do that from our living room." Taehyung sighed, hoping Jimin actually brought him here for something important.

        "No..I also called you here to tell you something that's been bugging me" Jimin let out a shaky breath. He was so nervous that he started to dig his fingernails into the dirt.

          "I'm all ears" Taehyung looked back at the glittery sky, the shining stars reflecting into his eyes.

          "I'm just gonna put it all out there. I...I wanted to know why you told the people that already knew we 'did it' that we just did it because we were bored or just cause. Is that true?, because I clearly didn't tell you the way I felt." Jimin swallowed down hard, his hands began to feel clamy. Taehyung said nothing, waiting for him to continue.

            "And...fuck Tae, why do you have to make this so hard?. I was doing just fine, everything was fine till you came. You ruined everything" Jimin slowly said, there was no anger nor happiness in his voice, making Taehyung puzzled.

              "What did I ruin?" Taehyung hesitantly asked, trying to trace back if he'd ever done something ridiculously dumb.

               "Me! You ruined me Kim Taehyung!. Can't you fucking see that I'm a mess?!. When we 'did it' I didn't just do it to have a good time!. You have changed the way I have viewed the world. You made me suddenly fall in love with every little speak of dust. You made me reveal another side of me that I didn't even know I had!. Taehyung, what the fuck did you do to me?." Jimin let it all out, staring back at Taehyung with glossy eyes. Taehyung didn't dare to look back, scared that he would melt under his gaze.

                 "I'm..Im sorry. I didn't-...." Taehyung was too shocked to form sentences, still processing Jimins words.

                  "And I know you just see me as a stupid vampire, but I just needed to let it out. I fucking hate how your smile is stitched into my head, how your pretty voice is put in a loop right next to my ear. Remember what I told you what I use this place for?, to figure out things. I'm trying to find out what the fuck is wrong with me, like why do I suddenly feel this lovely pain in my stomach when I see you?. Why do I always wanna be around you?. Why do I hate when you're gone or don't text me. I'm just so confused." Jimin sighed, covering his eyes.

          "Jimin...I told people that we felt nothing because...because I was scared that we did." Taehyung whispered, surprised by his own words.

   They sat there quietly, letting the words sink in. Jimin gulped, moving his trembling hand onto Taehyungs. He gently squeezed it, scared by how warm he was.

           "You're really cold" Taehyung mumbled, trying not to stutter.

            "Taehyung, i think it would be best if you stayed away from me." Jimin uttered. His dead heart and cold words meant nothing when his thumb was running behind Taehyungs hand.

             "Why?" Taehyung softly spoke. Their voices were so quiet, scared that if they spoke any louder something would break.

             "A vampire with a human doesn't sound right. It sounds terrifying. You're too perfect Taehyung. I'm not gentle. I'll break you." Jimin murmured.

              "Anything can break if you don't take care of it." Taehyung blurted, not even sure where that came out of.

               "But what will the creatures think?" Jimin argued.

               "When have you ever cared?. Jimin, what's happening? what's holding you back?" Taehyung turned to face Jimin face, his side profile was perfect.

                "Taehyung, I don't like you. I'm fucking in love with you. It's a lot, but it's true. You've made my frozen heart start beating... metaphorically. I understand if you don't feel the same, please don't feel the need to feel the same. I know you wouldn't wanna fall in love with a-"

   Taehyung had enough, grabbing the back of Jimin neck and pushing him in. He fell on his lips, his eyes wide from the sudden action. But, he didn't pull back. Instead, he melted into his lips, running his hand on his red stained cheek. Taehyung pulled back, breaking the kiss for just a second,

          "I'm in love with you Jimin, I'm really fucking in love with you" He breathed out, and they laughed into their next kiss. They took their time this time, planting each kiss with love and safety.


It has been a long journey...but here we are my loves. Yes, this is the end. Thank you for all the support and love you gave for the chapters, I'm so grateful for it all. I was thinking of making a bonus chapter of the future, so mayhaps look out for that👀 n e gays remember to drink enough water and eat plenty of food💖i love you all, my pieces of corn🤰

gO check out my other book, 'Undeserving of Love' it's vmin and it's +100 better than this once since I had more experience with writing🤡

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