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"WHAT THE FUCK WHY WOULD HE DO THAT TO HER?!" Taehyung screamed as he gripped the popcorn. Jimin and him were watching a 'romantic-action' movie while wrapped in blankets and covered in popcorn.

"SHUSH IM TRYING TO HEAR THIS PART" Jimin pulled Taehyung down to lay on his chest, both of them intensely watched what would happen next.

"Zack..please zack tell me you aren't doing this to me...tell me you aren't leaving me. Not now...not like this" The main character was sitting on the ground, facing her best friend, Zack.

" I had to"

"I hate you! I hate you I hate-"

He wrapped his arms around her and he kissed the tear off her face. They were both secretly in love, but never told each other.

"Maria..I never got to tell you..I..I love you"

Taehyung bursted into tears, holding Jimin close.

"Don't tell me that..you can't leave..you have to stay, please. Please stay with me. Whose gonna send me cheesy text to wake me up? Or help me take Juanito out on a walk" She hiccuped through tears. Juanito was her dog, Jimins favorite character.

"Please don't hate me"

      She looked up at him and met his watery eyes. He smiled and moved the stray hairs out of her precious face. Tears rolled down her face as she hugged him one last time. And just like that, he faded away. Maria mourned as she reached the frozen ground underneath her.

           "I never got to tell you that... I love you too". She whispered the words into the cold nothingness, curling up into a ball.

   Jimin and Taehyung had glossy eyes, sniffling and wiping the tears on their sweaters.

              "What the fuck that was so sad. Promise you'll never leave me like that" Taehyung pouted as he hugged Jimin tighter.

              "Promise. We still have the rest of the day, do yo-"

   A pounding on their door cut Jimin off. He rolled his eyes, the sweet heart-touching moment fading away.

              "Are you gonna get it?" Taehyung looked up at him. They were comfortable and didn't want to get up, Taehyung was spread on top of Jimin with a fluffy blanket that covered them both.


   Taehyung sighed before rolling off Jimin and falling on the floor. He got back up and walked lazily to the door, Jimin watched as he opened it slowly.

              "What's up. Sorry to disturb you..two..but can I come in? I hope I'm not ruining anything" It was Yoongi, he was wearing a oversized hoodie that looked like a dress on him, and shorts that you couldn't quite see. It seemed like everyone wore the same comfortable clothes around campus.

               "You ruined everything" Jimin scoffed

               "Of course you can come in" Taehyung greeted him by moving out of the doorway.

                "Thanks" Yoongi walked over to the couches and fell back on a armchair.

                  "Aw you two were watching movies? how cute" Yoongi teased and Jimin flipped him off.

                   "Wheres Hoesuck you tiny goblin" Jimin said as he scrolled through the rest of the movies, he was still laying down on the couch. Taehyung sat down near Jimin, he immediately wrapped his hand around Tae' waist.

                   "He's being a meanie. We got into a argument since I've been ignoring him and I don't ever want to see him again" Yoongi crossed his arms and made a mad face from just remembering. His 'mad face' just seemed to make him cuter.

                    "What did he say?, Jimin and me will go beat him up" Taehyung smiled.

                     "He said that he was gonna eat all the GOOD ice cream without me and that really fucking hurt but I pretended it didn't but it did" Yoongi sniffed.

                     "Wow...what a fucking asshole, what did you do?" Jimin chewed m&ms loudly near Taehyungs ear on purpose, Taehyung elbowed him making him choke.

                     "I ran here, and also took his only clean sweater for revenge" Yoongi looked down at his shoes.

                     "Well you can-" Taehyung sneezed loudly cutting off the sentence, "join us"

                    "Alright, play the umbrella academy, I was gonna watch it with Hobi but since he's being a little baby I'm gonna make him suffer" Yoongi slightly smirked as Jimin pulled up the series.

   Through the episodes Jimin was holding Taehyungs hand and trying to pull him down so he could cuddle him. Taehyung protested and just kept it at hand holding, he didn't want to make Yoongi feel more awkward. Even if the small cat was too focused on the screen.

           "Stop grabbing my ass I'm gonna call the cops" Taehyung slapped Jimins hand and moved away from him.

           "Okay, you know what this episode
is great and all, but you two need to stop fucking each other over there. I'm just gonna go watch the rest of it at mine. I'll lock the door from Hobi" Yoongi got up and cleaned the crumbs of sweets off his sweater.

            "We're not-"

             "Please use a condom, also I'm making Jin come up here since you've been sneezing none stop since I've been here, bye losers" Yoongi waved goodbye as he left the dorm.

              "I'm not sick!" And as if on cue, he sneezed.

"Have you been outside lately?" Jin removed a tiny twig out of Taehyungs mouth, it was like a thermometer. 


"Welp, you're sick. I sadly can't help you recover since I don't know what to heal humans with..so you're gonna have to wait a few days till I study enough to do anything. Summer is almost here so I could study more about the human body till then" Jin started to pack his things into a tiny red bag he made Joon carry.

"Am I gonna get worse?" Taehyung pouted.

"Matters what you do, I say you just stay warm and cozy this whole day. Jimin, you're in charge of him"

Jimin saluted, "Aye aye captain"

"I'll text you once I've found something here that can help you, for now just rest"

Once Jin and Joon left, Jimin turned to Taehyung with a smirk.

I almost forgot to upload today- 🤡 the uploading of chapters will be usual from now on (I hope skshsj)

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