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    "Mom please! There's a vampire in my room I swear! It's scary and mean!" the 7 year old screamed.

    "Shush. There is no such thing, and even if there was I know that you would be brave enough to lure it off" She said calmly leaving his room.

    "Okay" Taehyung pouted. He gave his mom a kiss and held tight to his tiger plush as he walked over to his bed again. He jumped on his bed and hid under the baby blue covers. A few moments later he heard it's tapping.

    "What's wrong Taehyung? You scared?" A raspy voice said.

    "N-No!" Taehyung shouted back.

     "Are you sure..you seem a bit nervous. Why would you tell your mommy about me huh? I thought we were friends" it said. Taehyung could hear it crawling, he could feel its evil grin going from ear to ear.

     "We aren't friends" Taehyung said slurring his words making the "r" sound like a "w". It just laughed. An evil evil laugh.

      "Stop" Taehyung said.



     "STOP!" Taehyung blasted into a sitting position accidentally hitting his forehead against his roommates chin.

    "Ah what the fuck!" Jimin fell back rubbing his chin and cheek.

    Taehyung gulped feeling the dizziness kick in again making him fall back down. He was in a pitch black room under something soft, he was guessing a bed.

    "What..what happened?" Taehyung asked touching his forehead.

     "You fainted on me saying you wanted some so I gave you some" Jimin said.

    "What?? Oh my god please tell me you're joking and that I'm not pregnant with vampire children" Taehyung worried.

   Jimin laughed "No, you just fainted and hit the ground hard, so being the kind "person" I am I brought you into our room and took care of you"

   "Mhm sure" Taehyung said rolling his eyes.

    "look, an ice pack, that's how much I care" Jimin threw an ice pack on Taehyungs face.

    "Anyways I'm inviting friends over, you don't mind right?" Jimin said.

    "Oh my god please no" Taehyung said removing the ice pack and throwing it lazily somewhere on the ground.

    "That's not what you said last night" Jimin said.

     "I didn't even know you last night" Taehyung said back.

      "I know I've just been wanting to say that," Jimin said ",I already invited them so,,, you can stay in your room and do human things I guess."

   Before Taehyung could protest he already heard the door slam open and shut.

    "Fucking bitch" Taehyung mumbled, sitting up again

     "I'm still in here hoe" Jimin said next to Taehyung.

     "HOLY FUCK" Taehyung instinctively hit the darkness hearing a loud sLaP.

      "sorry!" Taehyung said to the darkness. There was no response, only the sound of Taehyungs beating heart.

      "What a pretty noise" Jimin suddenly said.

My Vampire Roommate (vmin)Where stories live. Discover now