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   The week went by like the rest, fast. Everyday Tae would come in the dorm more sick than last time and fall on the couch. He would take a nap till Jimin came back and woke him up with food and blankets.

It was Friday, Taehyung could finally relax. But, someone else couldn't. Seokjin had been studying none stop about humans to the point where Namjoon had to drag him to bed, or feed him since he wouldn't do it himself. Tae felt guilty on making Jin do all the work.

       "So, you're gonna stay with Jin for a bit? Till tomorrow?" Jimin pulled out ice cream out of the freezer.

       "Yeah, you can go and do whatever you want since you've been taking care of me these last few days. I feel bad for making you stay in the dorm and do nothing else" Taehyung yawned.

        "It's fine, I like taking care of you" Jimin patted Taehyungs fluffy hair before sitting down next to him.

         "Okay well I'm leaving now, be careful okay? Go out only at night" Taehyung finished tying up his shoe laces, smiling at the pretty bows.

          "I should be telling you that, I'll be careful. If you need me just give me a call, okay?" Jimin waved goodbye as Taehyung nodded his head and left.


   Working with Seokjin was quite fun. He did most of the work while Taehyung inspected and made notes. Not real notes, more like small drawings and some words jotted down. Namjoon came in the room once in awhile with food or just to say hi. It had already gotten pretty late, hours flew by quick.

        "Babe I'm going to the pool, Tae make sure he doesn't overwork himself" Namjoon kissed Jin's cheek and he rolled his eyes,

         "I can take care of myself, you know?"

         "I know I know, but I just don't want you to hurt yourself" Namjoon gave Jin another kiss, this time on the lips. Taehyung felt like a little kid who just saw his parents kiss, feeling a unsettling churn in his stomach. He felt awkward, scribbling on the paper harder till Joon left.

         "He's such a sweetheart, I love him so much" Seokjin sighed as he poured a purple liquid into a glass tube.

         "I know" Taehyung mumbled as he waited patiently for the potion to be finished.

         "Alright, so this might make you more sick than you already are, or help you and get rid of it" Seokjin shoved a tube in front of Taehyungs face.

   It was a pink, thick liquid that smelled of vanilla. Taehyung popped the cap open and hesitantly drank it. It tasted disgusting, making him want to pull away and vomit. He shut his eyes and drank it quick. Once done he gave it back to Seokjin and they waited for it to kick in. Tae felt nothing but his headache go away. Jin took out the wooden stick he had used before and popped it in Taehyungs mouth.

            "Damn it, looks like you got more sick...SIKE congratulations you're no longer sick bitch" Seokjin gave himself a applause, finally breathing after a week of hard work.

             "Thank you Jin" Taehyung took out the wooden stick and hugged him tight.

             "No problem, now if you don't mind me I'm gonna go sleep, it's already midnight. You should probably get going too" Seokjin let go of Taehyung and walked tiredly into another room. Looks like Taehyung wont stay there till tomorrow. He texted Namjoon that Seokjin had already fallen asleep, it was 12:54.

         "Jimin? Are you here?" Taehyung flicked on the lights. No one was in the dorm. He took off the puffy jacket he was wearing and threw it on the couch. He went into their room and changed his black ripped jeans into gray sweats, leaving his plain white shirt on.

   He went back to the couch and scrolled through movies, deciding if he should watch a k-drama or a Disney movie. After choosing, he threw a blanket on himself and laid on the big couch.

   Taehyung had gotten halfway through the movie when he heard a soft knock on the door. He paused it with a groan, going up to open it. Before he could say anything, he was thrown into a hug. It was Jimin, he reeked of alcohol.

        "Hello Jimin, where have you been? You stink of alcohol" Taehyung closed the door as best as he could. It's hard to do stuff when a grown man is clinging onto you like their life depends on it.

         "Don't call me that" Jimin mumbled.

         "Call you what?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.


          "What do you want me to call you then?" Taehyung started to caress Jimins smooth locks. He hated how much he loved each strand.

          "Something cute" Jimin finally let go and looked up at Taehyung. His eyes were droopy but filled with stars. His lips were red and swollen, his cheeks a light pink from the alcohol. Taehyung couldn't hold back a smile from the perfect sight.

           "Chim?" Taehyung gave him a small chuckle. He looked so soft, not intimidating like the way he usually looks.

             "It's so hot" Jimin shrugged his jacket off one shoulder. Taehyung hadn't noticed that Jimin also looked like a mess. His shoes were untied, his zipper was down all the way and the button was open, his shirt hung dangerously off his shoulder showing off his sharp collarbone. What a pretty mess.

             "I think it's just you" Taehyung gave another smile.

              "Stop. Please stop" Jimins words came out broken, he hit Taehyungs chest softly. Taehyung was confused with te change in moods,


              "Taehyung, get out of my head. You're all I ever think about. You're all I ever want. I've tried to get you off my mind but it just doesn't work. You're smile is so gorgeous. You're so gorgeous. I've tried to be with other people but it just felt so...wrong." The words fell carelessly out of his sweet mouth.

               "Jimin, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying" Taehyungs hand carefully went down Jimins arm to hold his hand.

               "If I don't know what I'm saying...why does it feel so right? I love it when you sing, when you talk, when you laugh. I love it when you hug me or hold my hand. Just touch me" Jimin stepped closer to Taehyung, he dropped his hand and backed away till he hit the wall.

                "Jimin, you need to sleep..if you can, you're gonna have a big ass headache when you wake up." Taehyung put his hands on Jimins shoulders to try to keep the distance away. Jimins hand gripped Taehyungs hip, slowly going up his shirt. He got goosebumps from the moment his cold hand touched his bare waist.

                "You need to stop Jimin! You're drunk!" Taehyung grabbed his hand and pulled it away.

                 "I'm sorry, I don't feel okay. Maybe I shouldn't have drunken..that much... I still love you" Jimin hugged Taehyung again. Taehyung quickly learned that Jimin was the emotional drunk, his feelings and thoughts were everywhere.

BRUH I LITERALLY FORGOT TWO UPDATES IM SO BAD AT SCHEDULES SKSJJSJSKDJS IT WAS BECAUSE OF EXAMS AND SHIT I APOLOGIZE. I uhHhh love u a lot, try not to be stressed out from exams if you took them💕 remember to drink lots of water and eat food!💖💕💖💖

 I uhHhh love u a lot, try not to be stressed out from exams if you took them💕 remember to drink lots of water and eat food!💖💕💖💖

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