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  "What even happened between you and Hoseok?" Taehyung wondered. Everyone kept saying 'He's gonna rip his heart out. Again'. What did they mean again?

    "Well it's a long story so I'll try to make it short. Hoseok and me weren't on the best terms back then. I actually..stole something from him, a long long time ago. Before you get mad I needed this item for...important ...reasons. Well, before I even knew it, he stole something from me. Something way more valuable then what I had stolen. So, being the brave bitch that I was, I went to hell to retrieve it. But I didn't do it alone, I went with one of my dark angels, Yoongi. He use to be a dark angel before he was a cat so..you know his secret now. As I was saying, we fought, and he ripped my heart out of my chest. It hurt so bad, but at the same time I felt numb. Yoongi and Hoseok didn't know each other back then, so when Hoseok saw this "beautiful armed angel" appear out of no where his heart got stolen." Jimin laughed at the "precious" memory.

      "So..how did Yoongi and Hoseok meet?. I need all the details" Taehyung asked, a little giggle leaving his mouth.

       "Oh, so you don't care about me almost dying?, I understand. Well, as he ripped the heart out of my chest and pulled it out for everyone to see, I fell to my knees. But, my beautiful savior arrived! Hoseok was so caught up in Yoongis beauty that he didn't even notice that he himself was bleeding by the angel. What a fool," Jimin smiled, "before Hobi bled out, he yelled, 'Please give me permission to be the father of your first born!'"Jimin cackled out.

        "No he didn't! Tell me what he actually said!" Taehyung laughed. He didn't even know if they were going the right direction, he didn't really care if Jimin was walking around cluelessly.

        "He said, and these are his exact words "I will give him what I have taken, as long as you stay with me" . I used all the breath I had to scream 'no'. And, of course my cute kitten stabbed Hoseok for me. Ah..how good it felt to watch that hoe in pain. Yoongi brought back my heart, and we literally watched Hoseok bleed out. We watched him die...or so we thought. He literally popped out behind us and stabbed both of us. I still wonder to this day how he did that, but then again he is the devil. Oh, and did I say both of us? I meant just me since he was oh-so-in-love with Yoongi. I escaped from hell with my beating heart hanging out of my chest and without Yoongi. Welp...turned out that the devil himself fell for my kitten, and we were on good terms since then." Jimin finished.

      "You know when we were in the bathroom and I took off my shirt?. Didn't you see a pink patch of skin on my chest?" Jimin asked. If Taehyung was on that curse Jin had put him on he'd say 'no, I was just staring at your abs'. Since he is in control, he stated a hard-to-catch lie , "Yeah, one of the cuts was on there".

      "Yup" Jimin half smiled. Jimin walked up to one of the little girls that Taehyung had seen when he first came. He gave her a sweet smile before saying 'level 7'.

       "Thank god we're back!, I was literally dying" Taehyung yelled in excitement, jumping off Jimins back.

        "We still haven't unpacked, and classes start tomorrow" Jimin looked at the pile of suitcases before locking the door behind them.

         "I'll unpack tomorrow. Don't touch my shit and especially ME while Im asleep." Taehyung crossed his arms, walking into their room. Jimin smiled, following him curiously. He leaned on the door frame of their room, watching Taehyung take out matching, navy silk pajamas.

           "Don't you have to go get some fruit or something?. Stop looking at me like I'm your next prey" Taehyung gagged, getting up and squeezing past Jimin into the tiny bathroom that was across.

             "Maybe it's because you are" Jimin smirked, tilting his head.

             "get away loser" Taehyung blandly said before shutting the door in his face.

              "See you in the morning, roommate" Jimin whispered as he traveled down the hallway to Jins "secret base".

   After everything that happened today, Taehyung still couldn't accept that Jimin was his roommate. A vampire? I don't think so hun. And a cute one at that. Taehyung just sighed as he heard Jimin shut the entrence door hard.


   Taehyung woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. It was 9:50, he always put his alarm minutes before it was time to actually get up. It was so he could stay in bed longer and prepare himself for the dreading day that came.

   He lazily reached his hand out to stop the disgusting, loud ring. Once he heard it come back to a beautiful silence, he tugged at his blankets to bring them higher, but they were weighed down by something. He fluttered open his eyes slowly to see two white pair of eyes looking back at him. He screamed loudly as he kicked the figure and threw the blankets over his head.

       "Ah! What the fuck is up with you hitting me??" He heard a rough familiar voice grunt. Taehyung slowly brought his head back up,

       "Fuck you" Taehyung uttered, his voice sounding much more deeper than usual due to the morning. He didn't want to fight right now, he just wanted to relax and forget with the time he had left before the second alarm rang.

       "You look so cute when you sleep" Jimin teased. Taehyung could feel the bed move slightly as Jimin got back on.

        "Don't you have your own bed?" Taehyung groaned, pulling the sheets over his head.

         "And your voice sounds like a waterfall, if only I could swim in it" Jimin sang, getting closer to Taehyung.

   Taehyung bolted out of bed, throwing his sheets on Jimin and running to his suitcase to find clothes. He didn't wait for the second bell to ring, he rather be in a class early than be with his sick roommate.

It's almost the suns borthday uwu💕
I also wanna state that I don't have a schedule to upload, and I need one, badly🤥

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