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   Jimin groaned as his head exploded. He slowly opened his eyes slowly to see that he was on top of a sleeping Taehyung. He pushed himself up to see that Tae's shirt was half off. Jimin admired his belly going up and down slowly, his heart beat at ease. Did we do anything??, if it wasn't for Jimins big headache, he probably would've thought about it more. Taehyung woke up with the slight movement, his eyes widening as he saw Jimin on top of him.

         "What happened?" Jimin asked, they were tangled on the couch. Jimin couldn't recall anything. He quickly got off Tae and looked down at himself. The jacket he use to have on was on the floor, his shirt had been ripped in half, and his pants were unzipped.

           "Oh my god did we do anything?" Jimin finally said, rubbing his eyes.

           "I don't really remember" Taehyung shut his eyes again. Jimin looked down to see the perfection. He had a white shirt that was nearly off, his golden locks were thrown around and his sweatpants were hanging dangerously low.

            "I went to a party and got wasted. I followed a girl into a room and she wanted to fuck. I didn't wanna do anything, so I just left and I can't remember the rest." Jimin rubbed his head.

             "You came to the dorm, I opened the door and you hugged me. You told me a lot of weird shit and started to touch me. I said you should go to sleep. You said alright, I led you to the couch and you said I should take off your clothes so you could sleep comfortably. I took off your jacket and you wouldn't stop moving when I was trying to take off your shirt making me rip it. You then threw me onto the couch and fell asleep on top of me. So fuck you" Taehyung explained.

              "I went to sleep?. Damn, I must've been blasted" Jimin was somewhat disappointed that he didn't get laid by anyone that night, but it was alright.

              "You were so cute at first but when you said 'touch me' I bounced." Taehyung chuckled at the memory, rubbing his sensitive eyes.

"Oh my god...did I say anything bad??. Sorry.." Jimin turned pink of embarrassment.

"It's okay, you just explained how much you loved me. I knew you were drunk but that made my night." Taehyung got up, walking towards the bathroom.

"I didn't mean any of it. I don't love anyone." Jimin grimly said. Taehyung just laughed and hummed 'mhm' all the way to the bathroom door.

How fucking humiliating. Note to self, never get drunk near Taehyung. Jimin slapped himself. Suddenly, a disgusting odor impacted him. He smelled of puke and alcohol.

               "Taehyung, im taking a shower" Jimin shouted as he ran to the bathroom. Taehyung was brushing his teeth, the fluffy liquid going down his chin. Monsters didn't need that sort of thing. Their breath always smelled of nature, like flowers or rain. Weird shit, huh?.

               "I was in here first" Taehyung tried to say with his mouth full. He spit out the minty fluff and cleaned his mouth with water.

              "Then let's take it together" Jimin smoothly said. Taehyung looked at him seriously,

               "Ha ha very funny. This shower is mine. I stepped in here first" Taehyung pointed at himself.

   Jimin wasn't in the mood to fight, so he pulled down his pants. He gripped the side of his underwear, ready to pull them down. But a screaming Taehyung held onto his wrists, making him stop the action.

              "OKAY OKAY, THE BATHROOMS YOURS" Taehyung ran out and threw the door closed.

   Once Jimin came out, he was wearing gray sweatpants and lose, armless shirt.

             "I'm going to the gym. Call me if you need me" Jimin yelled out to Tae as he went into the bathroom. Jimin packed a bag before leaving. He pulled out his phone and called Jungkook.

            "I'm heading to the gym, you wanna come along?" Jimin mumbled.

             "I'm sad as FUCK right now...you know the person I was talking to?? SHE WAS FUCKING ANOTHER DUDE. Damn...looks like I really am gonna die a virgin" Jungkook sighed.

              "She wasn't the one fool. Also, we both know you ain't no virgin, I saw you go into that room with Stacy, Jesoo and Kooma so shut the fuck up. When I go down to the gym you better be there or I'm beating you up? Got it?" Jimin scratched his cheek as he lazily closed the dorm room.

              "Yeah yeah I'm already there" Jungkook ended the call.


   Once Jimin walked into the gym, Jungkook was doing stretches. They were the only ones there since it was morning.

          "Aye...I'm sorry to hear about that 'incident' by the way" Jimin said as he threw down his bag next to Kooks.

           "Nah it's fine. She wasn't really nice to me anyways...honestly, she kinda treated me like shit so...it's cool I guess" Jungkook sighed out. His eyes looked red and puffy, as if he cried.

           "You'll find someone. Who knows, they might just walk into this gym-" and like magic, a creature walked in. Their hair was shiny and dazzling, skin beaming, their outfit didn't look like gym wear though. They wore a fluffy black jacket and ripped jeans, they also had cute round ears and a fluffy long tail.

            "Look Kook, go talk to them, this is your chance!" Jimin smiled.

             "No, I don't wanna bother th-"

             "Uhm...sorry to disturb you guys but...I'm kinda lost. I'm new here so.." They shyly said, they hid their arms behind their back and tilted their tiny cat ears down. Jimin grinned, perfect.

             "Oh, hi there. What's your name?" Jimin struck. Jimin has to get Jungkook laid, homeboy has been jerking off to anime waifus his entire life. There was nothing bad about it, but then again Kook hasn't even had a real relationship.

             "My names y/n, I'm trying to find the office. I know it's at the entrance but I'm completely lost." He/She gave a sweet smile.

              "My friend, Jungkook here can help you get there. He may seem shy but he's a great guy I swear." Jimin patted Jungkooks back. He got up slowly and gave a shy smile.

              "I don't wanna interrupt anythi-"

              "Nah it's fine. I didn't even wanna workout. Let's go, I'll show you around." Jungkook walked over to the door again, opening it up for the both of them. Before he left, he gave Jimin a thumbs up and a cute smile.


              "Why the fuck is everyone in our group literally married except me?" Jimin whispered as he did curl ups.

   Maybe I should start fucking more people and not leave the second they fall asleep? Or should I stop fucking people in general?. Choices. I shouldn't have gone to the gym with my head pounding like this...and after taking a shower. ugh.

everyone makes jokes abt y/n but bro I fr didn't know who could be this character sO gUeSs wHat uR iN tHe bOok nOw cOngrAtulAtioNs🕺🕺

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