Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I haven't been kidnaped! Anyway, this chapter is gonna be very interesting. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer – I do NOT own Voltron Legendary Defender

Chapter 5
Keith Pov

Pidge is shaking and on the couch. She looks so small and vulnerable. Her hair is longer than when I last saw her, almost grazing her armpits. The green jumper she's wearing makes me remember the old days before the big war. It's a nice feeling, something I'd gladly feel every day.

Shiro is sitting next to her, trying to comfort her. That happy feeling soon disappears, and it's replaced with a slight jealousy at seeing her wrapped in the arms of another, but I let it go. I loved Lance and my crush on Pidge was history. Or so I told myself.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Shiro nods and whispers something to Pidge. It makes her laugh breathily but it's a laugh all the same.

"What happened? Cosmo started barking and I saw you out there. Then suddenly, she's collapsed and you had to bring her here." I'm trying to figure out why but everything I think of leads to dead ends.

"She had a panic attack. But..." Shiro looks at the small figure in his arms and pulls her closer to him protectively. "But... I don't know why. She won't tell me anything. Matt said that she's been more distant then before and that she won't talk to him about her feelings. And its only about a few topics too. He said that whenever he tries to talk to her about your final battle against the Galra and what happened when you guys got captured, she just closes up. She won't talk about it. She won't even talk about the party afterwards either! He was okay with it for a while but now he's getting worried. And for good reason apparently." He squeezed her shoulders and she grimaces. Shiro frowns and turns his face toward me.

"But anyway. I came here to tell you both something. I don't think now is the best time though, considering what just happened." He looks at Pidge again and she frowns.

"Just because I had a panic attack doesn't mean I'm vulnerable. Any news you tell me I can take. Also, stop talking like I'm not in the room." She folds her arms across her chest. She's got a dangerous glint in her eyes that I've only see once and that was when we were fighting the Galra for the last time.

"Pidge, I know you're strong. I just don't know if I should tell you both this news yet. You literally collapsed outside because you had a panic attack. And that was after I only told you I was going somewhere!" I saw Pidge flinch as I tried to process what Shiro said.

"You... you're going somewhere? Where?! And why can't you stay?!" I'm practically yelling and panting. I can't believe it. 'Shiro is going somewhere?! Where?! Why won't he answer me?!' Shiro sighs and stands up. Pidge caves in on herself as if she's cold. Just seeing it makes my heart break a little.

From what Ezor and Zethrid told the other Paladins and I, Pidge would be going through some really hard trials. What they were, we didn't know. They left us with Pidge's helmet and bayard saying that if she didn't return in a week's time, we could assume she was dead. Just waiting that week was agony. I tried to keep calm on the outside while my insides were screaming. I was scared. No, not scared. I was terrified.

Pidge had always been my rock, keeping me grounded even though she didn't know it. I could tell the others were very worried about her too, especially Allura. She blamed it on herself and no matter what we said, she wouldn't budge her thoughts. It was horrid to see her beating herself up but I just couldn't find it in myself to comfort her.

If we all hadn't become Paladins of Voltron, we mightn't have lost Pidge. But also, if we hadn't become Paladins, then the Galra would've taken over and ruined everything.

"Keith. Look. It's a choice I made myself and it's something that needs to be done. I'm sorry." Shiro's voice brings me back to the present and I sigh, defeated.

"Fine then. But Shiro, promise me something. If you go, promise to come back and visit when you can. Letting you go will be hard but if I can see you every now and then, it might be bearable." I look over at Shiro as he shakes his head sadly.

"Keith, where I'm going... well, I won't be able to come back."

"What?! Why?!"

"Because..." He looks out the window behind him and then at Pidge. I'd forgotten she was here and that she'd hear the news too. I was glad kind of glad it was her and not one of the other Paladins. In a way, the both of us had been through the hardest time so we both knew what pain felt like.

"Keith. I won't be coming back because I want to..." He gulps and I feel shivers down my spine.

"Why Shiro?" Pidge's voice is small and she looks scared. I want to comfort her and chase those fears away but I can't bring myself to do it. Shiro sighs.

"I won't be coming back because I want to be buried."


Yay! I cliffie! In a way 😹 Anyway, hope you've enjoyed the chapters so far! If there's anything you want me to change, feel free to review! More chapters coming soon!

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