Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Katie Pov

I sit up, feeling groggy. My head pounds and my ears feel like drums are beating right next to them. All in all, it's not a nice feeling. I hold a hand to my head, trying to clear my thoughts and put them together to make coherent ones.

"Ah good. You're awake." I look up to see Keith looking at me with concern etched into his features. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Some water or food?" I shake my head slowly and try standing. "Woah woah woah. Hold up there. Maybe in a few minutes you can stand but for now, just stay sitting."

"I'm fine Keith, really. I just..."

"Nuh-uh. Nope. Nada. You will need a few moments to gain your strength."

"But Keith..."

"No. And that's final." I groan and sit back down again with a thump. Keith just smiles as I pout. Then a though occurs to me. Where am I? Looking around, I see the Black Lion's cockpit and just... space. Out the front screen of the Black Lion is just space.

"Keith, where are we? And where is everyone else?" Just as Keith is about to answer, a voice speaks up in my helmet.

"Yoohoo! Pidge is back! Welcome back to the world of the living mate." I cringe away from the loud sound, my ears not used to it yet.

"Hey Hunk. Where are you?" I ask. It isn't Hunk that answers though.

"We're in outer space again! How're you doin?" Lance's voice is even louder than Hunk's and I cover my ears a bit.

"You guys are a bit loud. Could you quieten it down a bit?" I hear a few mumbles of sorry before Allura speaks up.

"We're all here Pidge. And we're off to find Haggar. Selena seems to know where we should go so we're all just following her." I look out the window again but I can't see the Gold Lion.

"Where is she?"

"Howdy partner. I'm right here." I turn to look at Sena in the pilot seat of the Black Lion. She waves and smiles before turning back to face the space in front of us.

"H-how are you piloting the Black Lion? And where's Shiro?"

"To answer your first question, I don't know. And I hate it. The Black Lion is a lot bulkier than the Gold Lion and I can't use my powers to make us all go faster."

"Hey! The Black Lion isn't that bulky!" Ignoring Shiro's comment, Sena continues.

"As for your second question, well. I think that was answered just then." I smile and shake my head. Then another thought hits me.

"If all the Lions are here, and you're piloting the Black Lion, then where's the Green Lion?" Sena again answers this question.

"Right here with me." I look and see a small Green Lion bracelet held in the air with her spare hand.

"So that's what the Green Lion turns into. How does it even do that?" Sena waggles her fingers but her concentration stays on the space ahead.

"You just have to press the right buttons."

"It's so cool Pidge! The Yellow Lion and the Blue lion turned into pebbles! You should've seen them! And then there was the Black Lion and the Red Lion which were bracelets, just like the Green Lion. The Gold Lion, which we didn't even know existed, turned into a necklace. And then there's the Silver Lion..." Sena chuckles as Lance tells me all about the Lions and their changes.

"Okay Lance, she gets the point." Allura shuts Lance off. I hear a huff from him which makes me giggle.

"Guys, I think Pidge needs some quiet for a few minutes. When she gets back to the Green Lion we can talk again. Just, give it a few minutes." Keith suggests. The others agree before breaking connection.

"Keith, I've told you. I'm fine."

"I know. Did it cross your mind that I might just want my girl to myself for a few minutes?" Heat creeps up to my cheeks. 'His girl. Keith just called me his girl.' I let those thoughts go and look up into the eyes I've loved for years. I feel grateful I can finally look at them without feeling like a fool or having to look away when he saw me.

"Guys, if you're gonna kiss, get a room." Sena breaks our contact and Keith's face starts to turn a light pink. Clearing his throat, he turns to stand up. He reaches a hand to help me up and I take it, grateful. When I first stand, black dots appear in my vision. They cloud over my eyes until I can't see anything. I grab Keith's arm for support until it clears. Once it does, we make our way over to the cockpit.

"Sena, I think I can take over now. Pidge can take the Green Lion but would you mind staying with her? Just in case?" Sena nods and I just groan.

"Keith, I do not need to be looked after every single dobosh of every single quintant. I'm a grown up."

"Just barely. You are only 21 and I'm 26. I'm in charge."

"Keith, I hate to break it to you, but I'm over 10,000 deca-phoebs old. I think I should be the one to decide. But I agree with you. I'll look after Pidge." I just gape at Sena and look between her and Keith, spluttering. Keith just smirks at me.

"You heard her Pidge. She's the boss. Gotta follow the rules." I huff and follow Sena out of the Black Lion's cockpit. I wave to Shiro on the way out and he smiles at me.

"Alright Pidge, I just need you to press here and Green with activate. But don't do it until I say okay?" I nod and we walk outside. The space looks so different yet so similar from when I was there last. I cling to the bracelet and the Black Lion's shell as Sena and I walk toward the Black Lion's tail. Once we're as far as the rump's edge, I stop. But Sena keeps going. She climbs walks across the tail as if it's nothing. When she notices I'm not following, she turns around and beckons for me to follow her. I shake my head, trying to convey my message. She cock her head, confused. I connect my helmet to hers.

"Pidge, why'd you stop?"

"I can't walk out there! It's suicidal!"

"Nonsense. Just walk. I've got you pinned down to the Lion using my powers. You can't fall off unless I die. Which, by the way, won't be happening any time soon." I don't feel very confident but I do as she says. I walk out onto the tail, taking it step by step. One foot in front of the other. It's awful, but I have to look down. The Black Lion's tail keeps moving, flicking back and forth. Once, when the movement was particularly strong, I almost slipped off. But Sena's powers kept me from falling off and into oblivion.

When we finally reached the tip of the tail after what felt like hours, Sena gave the order.

"Jump and press the button. Green will enlarge but not before the Black Lion will shoot forward to avoid collision." I nod and take a deep breath. Then, I jump and press the button like Sena told me to do.

As soon as my finger contacted the point, the bracelet started unfolding from the middle. It enlarged like paper and soon, it actually looked like the Green Lion. Except it was the size of a small dog. I studied the small model before it enlarged very quickly in my face. In a matter of seconds, the Green Lion was whole. It opened its mouth and roared, sending me flying backward. Then it soared toward me and scooped me up in its mouth. I was finally back.


Another done! We're getting closer to the end! *insert crying emoji coz I'm soo lazy to find one*

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