Chapter 13

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I think I keep forgetting Keith is more angsty but oh well. I'll try and make all of them more like they are but remember, this is 5 years after the final war which means they're a bit changed. Anyway, without further ado, the chapter...

Chapter 13

Keith Pov

I try to look past Pidge to see who it is but her small frame is blocking the other person. I'm guessing the other person is small too because all I can see is a hood over the top of Pidge's head.

"Pidge, who is it?" Matt pushes Pidge behind him and I watch as Pidge frowns.

"Matt, don't push me. And stop standing in the doorway. Let her in. It's just a... friend of mine." I hear her pause before the word 'friend' and I wonder if the stranger is actually a friend of Pidge's. As Matt makes his way back to me, I see Pidge's friend.

She's wearing black jeans with a purple-almost-black hoodie. On her feet are combat boots On the jumper is the Voltron sign in gold. I can't see her face but from her posture, she's in a defensive mode. Her body is tense, as if ready to fight at any second.

"Guys, this is Se—Selena. She's a friend of mine." I catch the pause between the two names but I don't ask Pidge about it. Later. When Selena is gone and I can talk to Pidge alone.

"Nice to meet you Selena. I'm Matt, Pidge's brother. How come she's never talked about you before?" Selena looks at Pidge and but she looks away.

"Matt, I don't need to constantly talk about my friends." Her voice is soft. Selena puts an arm around her and I immediately feel a twinge of jealousy. But I try and push it aside, knowing full well that it's only a small hug. Nothing major, like a kiss. Just a hug. Just a hug.

I look over at Matt, who looks a bit hurt by Pidge's response.

"Selena, this is Keith. He's the Red Paladin on Voltron. And a friend of mine." I put out my hand to shake and Selena takes it. Her hand is calloused, like she's been holding onto a sword her whole life, and her grip is strong. I wonder where Pidge met a girl like this.

"Selena, do you ever speak or remove your hood?"


"What? I'm just asking. I'm allowed to ask aren't I?" I see Selena's shoulders shake. Soon, I hear silent giggles escape her mouth.

"Hello Matt and Keith. As you know, my name is Selena. Yes, I talk. And yes, I remove my hood. Sometimes. I might not right now though. Just to keep my identity a secret for now. But I will soon." Her voice is slightly raspy but strong.

"Matt, is it okay if I talk to Pidge for a few minutes? Alone?" Selena asks gently. I instantly don't trust her. She just seemed too nice, too friendly. Too dangerous. My head told me not to trust her. Yet, my gut told me to trust her. I didn't like it. I was torn.

"Sure. You guys can go upstairs? Or should me and Keith go upstairs? No, mom and dad would probably hear if you're down here. You go upstairs." I'm surprised Matt trusts this girl with his sister.

"One moment. Pidge, how many times have you been with Selena? I don't mean to offend Selena, but how well do you know her? Can you trust her?"

"Keith! You're just as bad as my brother!"

"Yeah, but you didn't answer my question. Pidge, can you trust her?"

"Why you little..." Selena's hand is soon on Pidge's shoulder, making the small girl stop talking.

"Keith, I understand that you won't trust me yet. I am, after all, a stranger that won't show her face to you. But I can give my full promise that I would never do anything to hurt Pidge. She's practically a sister to me. Just like Shiro is like a brother to you." My anger flares up and the next words I say make me feels bad shortly after I say them.

"Don't talk to me about Shiro. If you even think of hurting Pidge, you'll end up like Lotor. And if you don't know who he is, look him up. I'm sure the big headed prick is on a Wikipedia page." I see Selena flinch which tells me I've hit a spot. Her next words are said to the ground but I can tell their directed at me.

"Yes, I've heard of Lotor. And I know what happened to him. I would never hurt Pidge, not even if my life depended on it. You have my promise."

"I'm sorry Selena. I shouldn't have blown up like that. It's just..." I run a hand through my hair.

"It's fine Keith. I understand. You care about Pidge and you don't want her to get hurt. I'm just this stranger who you've never seen before and I just barge into this house with heaps of secrets. I keep my identity hidden. I understand that you might not trust me right now but please, know that I would never, never ever, hurt Pidge." I nod and listen to my gut. Even though my head is screaming at me to argue and tell her to get out. But Pidge trusts her so I allow myself to relax the tiniest bit.

"We'll be down in a few minutes. I just need to fill Pidge in on what's happening at the moment." They two girls disappear upstairs. Once I hear Pidge's bedroom door close, I sit on the couch, head in my hands. I feel the couch sink a bit next to me, telling me Matt sat down too.

"It's alright to be worried Keith. I know how you feel about my sister. And as much as I don't trust that Selena girl, I know Pidge wouldn't have let her in unless she knew who it was. Also, Pidge said "You're late." to her as soon as she saw who it was. That's a sign she was expecting her." I shake my head.

"I know you're right Matt. I just... my head is telling me to not trust her while my gut is telling me to trust her. Which do I listen to?" Matt doesn't say anything for a moment. I look up to see him looking at me.

"Keith, I think you should trust your gut this time. I noticed Pidge paused a couple of times between words, like she was trying to find an alternative word. If Pidge is trying to hide something, it's for a good reason. She wouldn't do it without a good reason. She may have changed a huge amount during those trials, but I know she hasn't changed in this part. And if you don't trust yourself, trust Pidge. She knows what she's doing." I shake my head but agree with Matt. If Pidge trusts this girl, Selena, so do I.


Rightio! Anotherchapter done. More chapters coming sooooooonnnnn!

P.S. I kinda saved up the chapters I posted today coz... well, you'll find out soon.  

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